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发布时间:2024-05-29 07:34:26

[单项选择]The new manager explained to the staff that she hoped to()new procedures to save time and money.
A. manufacture
B. establish
C. control
D. restore

更多"The new manager explained to the st"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The new manager explained to the staff that she hoped to()new procedures to save time and money.
A. establish
B. control
C. restore
D. manufacture
[单项选择]Passage Four
The world is full of new horrors and there’s no place to hide. Who says so Disaster psychologists, for a start. They are the people who take in the big picture of our collective reactions to human-created disaster, the ways these reactions are caused, and our coping mechanisms. And research into disaster psychology is growing fast.
Among the big issues being addressed by these researchers are understanding the terrorists’ weapons, assessing the full impact of terrorism—and, crucially, working out which psychological approaches actually work. It’s a deeply controversial area.
Take the work of Dennis Embry as an example. He argues that we have overlooked the obvious. the purpose of terrorism is to create terror. This works best "if the very symbols of everyday life become conditioned fear and anxiety stimulant". The top targe
A. avoid human-created disasters
B. cope with human reactions to disasters
C. reduce the worst natural disasters
D. prevent growing terrorism
[单项选择]A UCSF study has revealed new information about how the brain directs the body to make movements. The key factor is "noise" in the brain’s signaling, and it helps explain why all movement is not carried out with the same level of precision.
Understanding where noise arises in the brain has implications for advancing research in neuromotor control and in developing therapies for disorders where control is impaired, such as Parkinson’s disease.
The new study was developed "to understand the brain machinery behind such common movements as typing, walking through a doorway or just pointing at an object," says Stephen Lisberger, PhD, senior study investigator who is director of the W.M. Keck Center for Integrative Neuroscience at the University of California, San Francisco. Study co-investigators are Leslie C. Osborne, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow at UCSF, and William Bialek, PhD, professor of physics at Princeton University.
The study findings, reported in the September 15 iss
[填空题]Which department hires new staff

[填空题]Which department recruits new staff

[简答题]Wang Peng’ s friend—Jack has moved into his new house. So please write a congratulation letter to Jack on behalf of him. You should write about 100 words.
[单项选择]What does the woman mean [A] She wants to know how the man found the hotel. [B] She wants to know how the man likes the hotel. [C] She thinks the hotel is not very good.
[单项选择]( )about the bandits, she left her valuables at home.
A. Having warned
B. Warning
C. Having been warned
D. To warn


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