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发布时间:2024-08-01 03:53:29


Men sometimes say, "We are better and cleverer than women. Women never invented things. We do." It is true that men have invented a lot of useful things: Machines, rockets, and guns, too. But scientists now agree that women invented one very important thing. It has changed history. They invented agriculture.
Before the invention of agriculture men were hunters. They went out every day. Sometimes they killed animals, and sometimes animals killed them. Life was difficult and dangerous. Women had to go out everyday, too. They collected roots, fruits and grass. Then, one day, more than 10,000 years ago, a woman dropped some grass seeds. She dropped them near her home in the Middle East. They grew, and the first wheat was born. The idea grew, too. Women planted roots and fruit trees. Then they could stay at home and look after the .children and the animals. Women like baby animals. Scientists think that women kept the first domestic animals: Dogs, cows, sheep and goa
A. to collect animals
B. to find animals
C. to hunt animals
D. to kill animals

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Men sometimes say, "We are better and cleverer than women. Women never invented things. We do." It is true that men have invented a lot of useful things: Machines, rockets, and guns, too. But scientists now agree that women invented one very important thing. It has changed history. They invented agriculture.
Before the invention of agriculture men were hunters. They went out every day. Sometimes they killed animals, and sometimes animals killed them. Life was difficult and dangerous. Women had to go out everyday, too. They collected roots, fruits and grass. Then, one day, more than 10,000 years ago, a woman dropped some grass seeds. She dropped them near her home in the Middle East. They grew, and the first wheat was born. The idea grew, too. Women planted roots and fruit trees. Then they could stay at home and look after the .children and the animals. Women like baby animals. Scientists think that women kept the first domestic animals: Dogs, cows, sheep and goa
A. they invent things
B. they do their work well
C. they change history
D. they run machines


"I’m a total geek all around," says Angela Byron, a 27-year-old computer programmer who has just graduated from Nova Scotia Community College. And yet, like many other students, she "never had the confidence" to approach any of the various open-source software communities on the internet--distributed teams of volunteers who collaborate to build software that is then made freely available. But thanks to Google, the world’s most popular search engine and one of the biggest proponents of open-source software, Ms Byron spent the summer contributing code to Drupal, an open-source project that automates the management of websites. "It’s awesome," she says.
Ms Byron is one of 419 students (out of 8,744 who applied) who were accepted for Google’s "summer of code". While it sounds like a hyper-nerdy summer camp, the students neither went to Google’s campus in Mountain View, California, nor to wherever their ment
A. negative
B. biased
C. puzzling
D. enthusiastic


Dear Sirs,
"Swallow" Pencils
We refer you to our quotations of 25th October and our mail offer of 12th November regarding the supply of "Swallow" Pencils.
We are prepared to keep our offer open until the end of this month and, as this product is now in great demand and the supply rather limited, we would recommend you to accept this offer as soon as possible.
Yours faithfully,


What is "Walk to School"
Now we are working on a programme of "Walk to School". We would like as many parents and children as possible to take part, even if in a small way. Children who walk to and from school along with their parents can learn essential road safety and life skills.
You can take part by...
■ Walking to and from school with your child every day.
■ Walking for one or two days during the week.
■ Encouraging others to walk, if you already do.
Walking is great!
■ Walking is great exercise! A walk is good for your body and can keep you fit.
■ You won’t have to waste time looking for a parking site.
■ It’s free. You’ll save money by not using the car.
■ It’s pollution-free.
■ It’s a good chance to talk to your children and to meet other parents, too.
Enjoying walking to school!
Here are some suggestions to help you and
A. Children.
B. Parents and children.
C. Bus drivers.
D. Teachers.


W: We’d better get moving if we expect to get a seat.The lectures start in twenty minutes.And we still have a long walk ahead of us.
M: These things never start on time.And anyway,I don’t think it would be crowded.
Q: What does the man imply ()

A. The lectures are usually crowded.
B. The lecture has already started.
C. It is easy for them to get seats.
D. The lecture may be canceled.
[单项选择]A. He is looking for a better employment on the West Coast.
B. He’s looking forward to working on the West Coast.
C. He hopes to keep working where he now lives.
D. He expects his company to move to the West Coast.
[简答题]People say we are now in a very competitive society. Do you agree with it or not Why 2. What will we do as talented people to make our country powerful and prosperous in the new century 3. A country’ s economic prosperity can be reflected in people’ s daily life. Do you agree or disagree Give your reasons in detail.


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