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发布时间:2024-07-28 21:51:39

[单项选择]She is a good singer. She ______ a lot every day.
A. sing B. sings C. sang

更多"She is a good singer. She ______ a "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Grandma was a good storyteller, and she had a lot of interesting stories to tell children. There was the story of how the little boys were taught to listen to grown-ups. One day when they were out on the grassland, there was a fire. Their father shouted, "Fall down on your faces !" They did, and the big fire went over them and they weren’t hurt (受伤). There was also the story of three boys at school. Each of them received something to eat. One stored his food for himself, and the mice (老鼠) ate it; one ate all of his, and he got sick; and who do you think had the best time Of course, the one who shared his food with his friends. Then there was the little boy who ran away from home and stayed away all day. When he came home after supper, he found the family sitting around the fire and nobody said a word. He couldn’t stand it and said sorry to the family. And there was one about a very/azy (懒惰的) man. He didn’t want to work at all even if he was hungry. Of course, he died of hunger.
In t

Every night she listened to her father going around the house, locking the doors and windows. She listened, the back door closed; she could hear the fastener of the kitchen window’s click, and the restless pad of his feet going back to try the front door. It wasn’t only the outside doors he locked; he locked the empty kitchen too. He was looking something out, but obviously it was something capable of entering into his first defenses. He raised his second line all the way up to bed.
In fourteen years, she thought unhappily, the house will be his; he had paid twentyfive pounds down and the rest he was paying month by month as rent. "Of course," he was in the habit of saying, "I’ve improved the property." "Yes," he repeated, "I’ve improved the property," looking around for a nail to drive in, a weed to uproot. It was more than a sense of property; it was a sense of honesty. Some people who bought their homes th
A. He thought a lot about his daughter’s future.
B. He saved a lot of money for his daughter.
C. He thought that he was secure.
D. He avoided his neighbors on purpose.

[填空题]Every day she looks forward to ______ (hear) from her husband.
[填空题]Now every day a lot of p______(乘客) are carried to the World Expo Garden by underground in Shanghai.
[填空题]Every day she looks forward to_________ (hear) from her husband.
[填空题]What was she good at She was good at ______.
[单项选择]Every good story is carefully ______ ; the elements of the story reduced to fit with one another in order to make an effect on the reader.
A. emphasized
B. selected
C. planned
D. examined
[填空题]She had a lot of difficulties, but she was able to (cope)()with them.


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