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发布时间:2023-10-18 15:41:32

[单项选择]Passage 3 A college education is not just preparation for a career, however. In addition to taking courses in their major field of study, students enroll in elective courses. They may take classes that help them understand more about people, nature, government, or the arts. Well-rounded people are likely to be better citizens, better parents and more interesing and interested individuals. Although two-thirds of American high school graduates go on to study in college, recent high school graduates no longer dominate the college campuses. Adults of all ages return to the classroom, either for new vocational skills or for personal growth. In 1966, for example, almost 20% of American college students were over age 35. Some 500,000 college students are over 50. American faith in the value of education is exemplified by the rising number of Americans who have at least a bachelor’s degree. Almost one-quarter of Americans over age 25 are college graduates. College att
A. well deve loped in a range of aspects
B. rounded in shape or well developed
C. well planned and balanced
D. full, varied, and satisfying

更多"Passage 3 A college educ"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Passage 3 A college education is not just preparation for a career, however. In addition to taking courses in their major field of study, students enroll in elective courses. They may take classes that help them understand more about people, nature, government, or the arts. Well-rounded people are likely to be better citizens, better parents and more interesing and interested individuals. Although two-thirds of American high school graduates go on to study in college, recent high school graduates no longer dominate the college campuses. Adults of all ages return to the classroom, either for new vocational skills or for personal growth. In 1966, for example, almost 20% of American college students were over age 35. Some 500,000 college students are over 50. American faith in the value of education is exemplified by the rising number of Americans who have at least a bachelor’s degree. Almost one-quarter of Americans over age 25 are college graduates. College att
A. are a majority
B. are a minority
C. form two-thirds of the students
D. are no more than adult students
[单项选择]Passage One
College is a time for leaving the comfort and security of home and embarking (开始) on the journey to adulthood. Many universities and colleges require a student to live on campus at least during their freshman year.
Recent studies have shown that students living on campus are more likely to complete their education program. The reason for this is that students living on campus feel more connected to the college and the people. They tend to invest more time in their classroom studies as well as campus life. Living on campus also allows one to meet and interact with a wide variety of people. People from all over the world will attend a quality college and university so you will be exposed to new cultures and learn much from them. As well, you will make long lasting friends and have support during times when you may feel homesick. Living on campus helps ease any anxieties associated with the transition from home to college. Not only does livi
A. journey to adulthood B. adventure in the society
B. comfortable and secure home
C. discovery of the professional knowledge
[单项选择]Passage Two
While the college campus may be the perfect forum in which to exhibit your taste for the latest in fashion style, the interview is not the place to do so. With very few unusual exceptions, sandals and sweatshirts are out. Oxfords and business suits are still in. Even though many companies have relaxed the internal company dress code, interviews still follow the conservative standard. Don’t buck the trend.
Unfortunately, most college grads are underprepared with proper interview dress. They feel they can " get by" with what is already in their wardrobe. Usually not. Remember that stylish is not conservative. You should be doing the talking, not your clothes.
This is not to say that you need to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe. Go for quality over quantity. One or two well-chosen business suits will serve you all the way to
A. Don’t lead the trend
B. Don’t resist the trend
C. Don’t follow the trend
D. Don’t go against the trend
Passage 1
Distance education is enrollment and study with an educational institution that provides lesson materials prepared in a sequential and logical order for study by students on their own. When each lesson is completed, the student mails or transmits the assigned work to the institution for correction, grading, comment, and subject matter guidance by qualified instructors. Corrected assignments are returned promptly to the student. This exchange provides a personalized student-teacher relationship. If a student slows his or her pace or fails to send assignments, the school provides encouragement. Although some institutions provide employment placement information and assistance, no reputable school ever guarantees a job to graduates.
Distance education and self-study are different. Self-study materials provide no instructional ser
A. The majority of the students fail to pass its examinations.
B. Personal tutors are assigned to students to offer regular help.
C. Teachers and students communicate through correspondence.
D. The courses are set up to suit the pace of each individual student.


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