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发布时间:2023-11-14 03:28:42

[单项选择]—The ground is wet.
—It must have rained last night, ______.
A. hasn’t it
B. didn’t it
C. mustn’t it
D. isn’t it

更多"—The ground is wet. —It must have"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The ground is wet. It ______have rained last night.
[A] must [B] can [C] should
[单项选择]You must have seen the film last night, ( ).
A. didn’t you
B. mustn’t you
C. needn’t you
D. do you

W: Did you hear of the robbery in the bank last night
M: No, I didn’t. Which bank was robbed
W: The bank in Green Street.
M: How much money was lost
W: No a penny was robbed.
M: Really
W: Yes, there were three robbers. One was trying to run away, but the police shot him in the leg and they arrested him.
M: What about the other two
W: The other two were shot dead when they fired at the police.
M: Who called the police when the bank had been robbed
W: A brave security guard of the bank.

Which bank was robbed last night( ).
A. The bank in Green Street.
B. The bank near a police station.
C. The bank without any security guards.
[单项选择]With all the work to do, he()to the cinema last night.
A. wouldn’t have gone
B. mustn’t have gone
C. shouldn’t have gone
D. needn’t have gone
[单项选择]Passage Four
Many tourists must have dreamed of owning a small house in a foreign country -- perhaps on a stretch of lonely coast -- to which they could return year after year to enjoy the sun and the sea. Others, with even bigger ideas and a lot more money to spend, think of buying hotels. In any case, it is absolutely essential to know a great deal about the value of property, otherwise the buyer may be at the mercy of(由……摆布) dishonest agents.
Some tourists, however, are so foolish that they really deserve to be cheated by agents. We would consider a person mad if he walked into a museum and asked to "buy" a great work of art. Though no one has told us, we all know that certain things can never be sold, no matter how much money is offered. Yet, nearly every year since 1944, a buyer has been found for the Colosseum (古罗马圆形剧场) in Rome. The f
A. dishonest agents are merciful to the buyer
B. dishonest agents are merciless to the buyer
C. the buyer may be completely controlled by the dishonest agents
D. the buyer may have pity on the dishonest agents
[单项选择]He is not in the office. He must have gone to have classes, ______
A. didn’t he
B. doesn’t he
C. mustn’t he
D. hasn’t he


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