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发布时间:2024-01-24 21:07:10

[单项选择]A. They are looking for an apartment to live in.
B. They are discussing living places and children’s education.
C. They are complaining about their children. D. They are planning for the next weekend.

更多"A. They are looking for an apartmen"的相关试题:

[填空题]Are you searching for an apartment to live in You will be making dozens of phone calls and leaving many messages, ff your messages aren’t returned the next day, you should call again, of course doing so with a lot of tact. If you don’t have a local phone number, get one.
Keep your checkbook with you. When you see an apartment which looks good to you, you are going to have to decide and act upon it quickly. Good places do not stay on the market long! People constantly lose good places due to indecision.
Collect all of your rental information before you visit your first vacancy. You may want to fill out an Apartments Unlimited application form. These forms are comprehensive and accepted by most landlords.
Have a credit report with you and give yourself an edge over the next guy. Landlords will be impressed by your organization and preparedness. As well, you’ll save money by not having to pay for each and every landlord that requires one.
If you want to find an apartme
[单项选择]Man: I am looking for an apartment with a monthly rent to around two hundred dollars in this neighborhood. Can you give me some advice on that
Woman: Well, it’s rather hard to find anything for less than three hundred dollars around here. Rents are lower in suburbs, but you need transportation if you choose to live there.
Question: What do we learn from the conversation()。
A. The man will probably have to find a roommate.
B. The man is unlikely to live in the suburbs.
C. The man will probably have to buy a car.
D. The man is unlikely to find exactly what he desires.
[填空题]Looking for an apartment can be a difficult job. The first thing to (11) is how much money you can spend. You cannot rent a home if it’s too (12) . Secondly, where the home is located is also important. You don’t want a home too (13) from work. You might want to spend a little more money to be closer to y6ur office. Anyway, before you look for a place to live in, you should (14) of all the things you want and need. This will be easier for you to make the (15) .


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