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发布时间:2024-01-29 04:20:50

[填空题]I’fine see you in Ihe m ______

更多"I’fine see you in Ihe m ______"的相关试题:


W: Can I help you, Sir
M: Oh, thank you, I’m trying to find my way back to my hotel.
W: What’s the name of your hotel
M: It’s the Peter Hotel.
W: You’d better take a taxi.
M: I’ll do so. Would you please tell the taxi driver where I want to go
W: Certainly.
M: I’m sorry to trouble you.
W: It’s no trouble at all.

From what you hear, you can guess that "you" comes to China( ).
A. to visit a friend
B. to study in a school
C. to travel
[填空题]I’m sorry not to be able to help you.
I’m sorry that ______ ______ ______ ______.

[简答题]How strong are you
I’m not asking if you can carry 150 lbs. of weight. What I’m after is your strength of character. How resilient are you to hanging on to your dreams amidst the raging forces of discouragement and criticisms
There are far too many individuals who never get to experience the joy of attaining their desires because other people’s influence has significantly and sometimes negatively affected their crucial decisions.
Are there instances in your life when other people said that you should not continue your plans because they’re never going to work What did you do Did you continue your endeavors or did you just follow their command
If you always adhere to other’s beliefs and opinions even though they are contrary to yours, you’re just torturing yourself. It’s like you don’t have a mind of your own. You’re like a shadow following the moves of someone else.
You may listen to other people’s advices, but never let t
[单项选择]I can identify with you because I’m able to see myself in you and you in me.
A. I’m able to understand you for you look like me and I look like you.
B. I’m able to understand you for we can find ourselves in each other.
C. We bear some resemblance to each other so I can recognize you.
D. I can identify with you because I have extraordinary power and can see me in you and you in me.

W: May I help you, Sir
M: Yes, could you show me some shirts Size 15, please.
W: All right, Sir. How about this one, it’s new style.
M: Oh, that must be file one I saw advertised in file paper.
W: Yes, that’s right.
M: Would you tell me the price
W: 10 dollars for one, and 17 dollars for 2.
M: All right, I’ll take 2.
W: Anything else, Sir
M: I may need some ties to match the shirts, but my birthday is next week and I may get some from my children.

How much does the man pay for the shirts he bought ( )
A. $ 70.
B. $ 20.
C. $10.
D. $17.
[单项选择]Interviewer: Let me see if I understood you. You mean that you can work extra hours if needed, right Interviewee: ______
A. Yes. No matter what you say.
B. Yes. Thank you for your clarification.
C. Yes. You sure understand me.
D. Yes. Absolutely.
[单项选择]—Mr. Jiang, long time no see. How are you
—Fine, thanks. How are you _____ your teaching
A. getting well with
B. getting across
C. getting together
D. getting on with
[单项选择]I’m very sorry I’m late. I ______ and told you I was coming.
A. ought to phone you B. must phone you
C. ought to have phoned you D. must have phoned you
[填空题]I’m sorry not to be able to help you. I’m sorry that ______ ______ ______ ______.
[填空题]I’ve already told you that I’m going to buy it, ___________________(无论花多少钱).

W: May I help you, sir
M: Er, I’m wondering how much this book is.
W: There’s a price tag on the back page of each book. Have you seen it
M: Yes, I saw it. But I just can’t believe my eyes. Is it really $ 65
W: Well, I’ll check it through the scanner. Yes, it’s $65.
M: Wow! That’s a lot of money for a book.
W: Yes. Medical texts are usually very expensive.
M: Well, I regret choosing medicine as my major now. If I knew this earlier, I might choose to learn mathematics or something else.
W: Really
M: No, not really. I’m joking. I love medicine and hate mathematics. Although this book is quite expensive, I have to have it.
W: How would you like to pay for it, in cash or by credit card
M: In cash.
W: That’ll be $ 70. 36.
M: But you said it was $65.
W: Well, with tax, it comes to $ 70.36, sir.
M: There’s a tax eve
A. He loves it.
B. He hates it.
C. He wants to learn mathematics as his major.
D. He regrets choosing medicine as his major.


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