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发布时间:2024-08-03 01:25:35

[填空题]The Income Tax Act of 1894 did not last long because U.S. Supreme Court thought it against the Constitution.

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[填空题]The Income Tax Act of 1894 did not last long because U.S. Supreme Court thought it against the Constitution.


How long did the debate last
How long did the tracheotomy last
[单项选择]How long did the trial last
A. Two years.
B. Three years.
C. Four years.
D. Five years.
[单项选择]How long did the trail last
A. Two days.
B. The whole month of December.
C. Ten days.
D. Only the first week of December.
[填空题]How long did their holiday last
[填空题]The Tax Act of 1862 gave the office of CIR authority to collect taxes and seize property and income.
[单项选择]How long did the trip last()
A. 6 weeks.
B. 65 days.
C. 6 months.
D. 6 months and 5 days.

W: Did you hear the thunder last night
M: Did I It was really loud.
W: I didn’ t see any lightning, though. I thought that thunder and lightning always occur at the same time.
M: They do. It’ s no possible to have one without the other since thunder is a direct result of lightning.
W: Really
M: Yes. Thunder is caused by the rapid expansion and contraction of highly heated air along the path of an electrical discharge.
W: In other words, lightning quickly heats the air and causes thunder. But if the lightning is there, why can’t we see it
M: Because it sometimes occurs very high in the clouds.
W: I wonder if it’ s possible to see the lightning and not to hear the thunder.
M: Yes. It’ s possible if the lightning flashes far enough away. Sound doesn’ t travel as far as light.

What led to the conversation( ).
A. A recent local storm.
B. A recent radio program.
C. A course the speakers are taking.
D. Research being done by one of the speakers.

The Social Security Act did not include health insurance because the commission considered that its inclusion would jeopardize the passage of the act()

A. evade
B. endanger
C. exclude
D. enhance
[填空题]Many economists believe that in the last long run, the cure for the immense problems of poor countries _______________________________ (还是在于经济的快速发展).

F: Mr. Mitchell, when we last met, time did not permit us to discuss Sinochem’s exports of agrochemicals. Shall we review these now before we continue our discussions on dyestuffs and organic pigments
M: I think that might be a good idea, Madam Li. Our time in Beijing is growing short and I do wish to take home as much information as I can.
F: This catalogue describes our agrochemicals’ exports, which include insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and plant growth regulators, as well as fertilizers.
M: We would like to take home a number of copies of this catalogue, if we may, for review by our marketing division. In the meantime, however, it would appear that insecticides would be of primary interest.
F: Certainly, Mr. Mitchell. Just let me know how many copies you want and will have them delivered to your hotel before you leave.
M: Oh, half a dozen will be fine for now.
F: I will make sure this is done. May we now conti
A. 10 metric tons.
B. 12 metric tons.
C. 14 metric tons.


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