Mothers and matchmakers(媒人) have
always known that not being married is a definite health hazard. But when a team
of researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, reported a few
weeks ago that middle-aged (中年的) men without wives were actually twice as likely
to die during a 10-year span(全长) as men with wives, the espoused and the
spouseless alike stopped to take notice. It was the kind of news that swept
through offices and watering holes-and it made people feel smug(自鸣得意的) or
anxious, depending on their circumstances. Now the researchers who conducted the
study are trying to find out what accounted for(说明,解释) the dramatic differences
in survival rates. The investigators, headed by UCSF associate professor of epidemiology arid biostatistics(生物统计学) Maradee A. Davis, had set out to examine the effect of various living arran [单项选择]What is Enrico Mingardi
A. He is in charge of the public transportation. B. He is responsible for the improvement of the water-bus service. C. He works for a TV station. D. He is the chairman of a public transportation company. [单选题]正线道岔(直向)与曲线之间的直线段长度不得短于( )。
A.A. 17m B.B.18m C.C.19m D.D.20m [单选题]宁夏雨季主要集中在()月。
A.1—2 B.3—4 C.5—6 D.6—9 [单选题]RNA引物在DNA复制过程中的作用是
A.提供起始模板 B.激活引物酶 C.提供复制所需的5'磷酸 D.提供复制所需的3'羟基 E.激活DNA-polⅢ [单选题]人体活动主要的直接供能物质是( )
A.葡萄糖 B.脂肪酸 C.磷酸肌酸 D.ATP [填空题]丝杆与螺母之间预紧后,可消除反向间隙,提高()刚度和()精度。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在几何图形上,供给量的变动表现为商品的价格一供给量组合点沿着同一条既定的供给曲线运动。( )
[判断题]凝点是指在规定的条件下柴油失去流动能力时的温度值。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]变压器在空载合闸时的励磁电流基本上是感性电流。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]转子发生一点接地可以继续运行吗?
[单选题]AT型尖轨取消了普通型尖轨( )抬高量。
A.2mm B.4mm C.6mm D.8mm [单项选择]我国近代第一个正式实施的学制是( )
A. 壬寅学制 B. 癸卯学制 C. 壬戌学制 D. 六三三制 [单项选择]下列各项呕血诊断的是
A. 有心脏病史 B. 有消化性溃疡病史 C. 经口腔排出 D. 有黑便 E. 碱性 [多选题]二次回路通电或耐压试验前,应通知()和有关人员,并派人到现场看守,检查二次回路及()上确无人工作后,方可加压。
A.A.运维人员 B.B.检修人员 C.C.一次设备 D.D.二次设备 E.略 F.略 G.略 [单选题]下列表述正确的是( )。
A.附加刑只能附加适用 B.附加刑可以独立适用 C.对犯罪的外国人,只能独立适用驱逐出境 D.死缓是主刑的一种 [单选题]男,56岁。心房颤动患者,突然发生命名物名困难。2周来共发生过5次,每次持续2~15秒。查体无神经系统异常。脑CT无异常。
A.脑动脉瘤 B.短暂性脑缺血发作 C.脑血栓形成 D.脑出血 E.脑血管畸形 我来回答: 提交