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发布时间:2023-11-07 06:15:58


W: Is that you, Mike
M: Yes, ah, you’re Mary.
W: It’s good to see you again. You are an engineer, aren’t you Did you stay in England after you graduated from university
M: No, I worked in Canada for two years. It’s a good place except for the terrible weather.
W: That sounds interesting, but I’m sure you are glad to be back. What have you been doing since you came back
M: I’ve been seeing old friends, visiting my family, buying things for my new flat and just enjoying myself.
W: Haven’t you got another job
M: Yes, I started a week ago. But what about you
W: I’ve got a job in a company that sells medical equipment. It may sound rather dull, but I’m a salesman and I really like it.

What did Mike do after his graduation from the university()
A. He worked as an engineer in England.
B. He worked as an engineer in Canada.
C. He worked as a salesman in England.

更多"W: Is that you, Mike M: Yes, ah, "的相关试题:


W: Is that you, Mike
M: Yes, ah, you’re Mary.
W: It’s good to see you again. You are an engineer, aren’t you Did you stay in England after you graduated from university
M: No, I worked in Canada for two years. It’s a good place except for the terrible weather.
W: That sounds interesting, but I’m sure you are glad to be back. What have you been doing since you came back
M: I’ve been seeing old friends, visiting my family, buying things for my new flat and just enjoying myself.
W: Haven’t you got another job
M: Yes, I started a week ago. But what about you
W: I’ve got a job in a company that sells medical equipment. It may sound rather dull, but I’m a salesman and I really like it.

What is the weather like in Canada()
A. Terrible.
B. Mild.
C. Hot.

W: So you’re an actor, Mike
M: Yes. When I left school I went to drama school, then I started working as an actor.
W: What do you like most
M: Oh, working in the theater, definitely. When I started I was with a small theater company. I worked all over the country in small theaters doing a new play.., we did a new play every two weeks! It was difficult work, but I enjoyed it.
W: What other kinds of work do you do
M: Oh, a lot of different things. Last year I did a lot of television drama. I was in a police detective story, and in Casualty, a hospital drama series. I’d like to do some television advertisements sometime too. You can earn a lot of money doing those.
W: What are you doing at the moment
M: I’m working on a film. It’s a love story. It’s very interesting. Still learning a lot about the filming process.
W: And what are your plans for the future
M: Well, I’m doing mo


W: Mike, do you have a pet
M: Yes, in fact, we have three pets in my home: two dogs and a cat. My family actually raises dogs for helping blind people.
W: Oh, really How to train the dogs
M: Well, I mean, 12it’s a long process, right... 13we get them when they’re puppies... and so we train them basic... you know, sit, come... really basic things... then, after they’re about two years old, they are sent to a different training school.
W: Wow, that’s great! How many dogs do you train at a time
M: Yeah, just one dog at a time.
W: Oh, wow, that’s cool. 12I just wonder why people keep pets
M: 14I guess the most important thing is companionship’. Specially for the old people, they’d like to have pets to accompany them.
W: All fight. And 12what are some costs associated with keeping a pet
M: 15Food is probably the biggest
A. The training process is very short.
B. Several dogs are trained together at a time.
C. Dogs are not trained until they are two years old.
D. Dogs are trained to learn some basic things when they are puppies.


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