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发布时间:2024-03-21 22:07:28

[填空题]Flossing, an essential part of the tooth-cleaning process, removes plaque between teeth and at the gumline, the breeding ground for ______.

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[填空题]Flossing, an essential part of the tooth-cleaning process, removes plaque between teeth and at the gumline, the breeding ground for ______.
[单项选择]The interview is an essential part of a successful hiring program because, with it, job applicants who have personalities that are unsuited to the requirements of the job will be eliminated from consideration.
The argument above logically depends on which of the following assumptions
A. A hiring program will be successful if it includes interviews.
B. The interview is a more important part of a successful hiring program than is the development of a job description.
C. Interviewers can accurately identify applicants whose personalities are unsuited to the requirements of the job.
D. The only purpose of an interview is to evaluate whether job applicants’ personalities are suited to the requirements of the job.
E. (E) The fit of job applicants’ personalities to the requirements of the job was once the most important factor in making hiring decisions.
[单项选择]All mammals require sleep; it is an essential part of life. For giraffes, two hours a
Line day is enough. For bats, that number is closer to twenty. The average adult human
needs between seven and nine hours of sleep every day. Despite these differences,
mammals all have one thing in common: If they do not get enough sleep, they can
(5) suffer serious mental and physical consequences.
The most extensive sleep research has been conducted on people. Through
these studies, scientists have identified two broad categories of sleep, which can
be further divided into five stages with distinct physiological functions. Taken
together, they form a complete sleep cycle. The first four stages are marked by a
(30) lack of rapid eye movement (REM). Therefore, they are referred to as non-REM
sleep. While people are engaged in non-REM sleep, several things are occurring.
Researchers have discovered that during this early sleep, th
A. promoting mammalian sleep research
B. documenting the importance of non-REM sleep in hormone regulation
C. describing the role of sleep in human behavior and development
D. arguing that humans need more sleep to function optimally
E. (E) illustrating the importance of REM sleep to brain function
[单项选择]Respect for human rights is an essential part of any legal system. Undermining a government’s ability to keep its citizens safe is emphatically not. But thanks to the way that the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) has been interpreted by judges in Strasbourg and Britain, that is what "human rights" have become: a means of undermining public safety, not of helping to protect it.
The right to family life, for example, is now routinely used to prevent the Government from deporting dangerous criminals, including terrorists: last year, 200 foreign convicts avoided deportation by citing it. This is an absurd state of affairs. The first priority of any state is to protect its citizens. A legal system that subordinates that goal to protecting the "rights" of people who are not citizens, and who have behaved in ways which threaten the safety of those who are, has clearly got things back to front. But that is the situation in Britain today.
This is not just damaging the nation
A. Pass primary legislation in Parliament.
B. Interpret human rights with common sense.
C. Ignore Strasbourg’s rulings.
D. Enforce the will of the publi
[单项选择]Electricity plays an essential part in our life. No one can deny that electric light is necessary for people’s life. However, can you imagine such a world where there is no (21) of electric light As darkness falls over, children read in the light given by oil lamps and candles. Youths (22) time only by talking instead of watching TV. Everything is surrounded by (23) shadows. (24) , we have a man named Edison. He created bulb that (25) for two days before burning out. He also developed successfully a system for (26) electricity from a central powerhouse. It is he that gives us electric light, gramophone, moving pictures--all those we take (27) granted.
After the invention of electricity, manufacturers increasingly applied the findings of invention to their businesses, (28) generating new industrial growth. Development of electricity leads to the (29) creations of new products and ma
A. shift
B. switch
C. swirl
D. swipe


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