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发布时间:2023-10-26 06:30:27

[单项选择](LOS ANGELES) Miramount Pictures Chairman Walter Hickson this morning announced a reduction in the number of pictures it will produce from the beginning of next year. The world’s largest film manufacturer has seen a reduction in profits over the last four of six years. Experts suggest that people are renting more movies today, than they have been in recent years. This has resulted in a loss of profits for film production companies. The upcoming cancellations are only the beginning in a series of further reductions. The company may have to call upon its investors, all member of the Screen Actors Guild, in order to receive funding. In the meantime, materials and equipment acquired over the past few years will be sold at auction. "We need to come together to preserve the Hollywood vision," says Mr. Hickson.
What is Miramount
A. A film production company
B. A movie rental store
C. An agency for actors
D. A Hollywood economist

更多"(LOS ANGELES) Miramount Pictures Ch"的相关试题:

[单项选择](LOS ANGELES) Miramount Pictures Chairman Walter Hickson this morning announced a reduction in the number of pictures it will produce from the beginning of next year. The world’s largest film manufacturer has seen a reduction in profits over the last four of six years. Experts suggest that people are renting more movies today, than they have been in recent years. This has resulted in a loss of profits for film production companies. The upcoming cancellations are only the beginning in a series of further reductions. The company may have to call upon its investors, all member of the Screen Actors Guild, in order to receive funding. In the meantime, materials and equipment acquired over the past few years will be sold at auction. "We need to come together to preserve the Hollywood vision," says Mr. Hickson.
What will happen to Miramount
A. It will reduce its production.
B. It will sell off its shares.
C. It will increase its investors.
D. It will purchase movie rental stores.
Survivor Sues

LOS ANGELES—A Los Angeles man who survived the crash of a Singapore Airline’s flight in Taiwan, China last week that killed 82 people has sued (控告) the Airline, claiming that the accident was "both foreseeable and avoidable." Jonediza, a 50-year-old vice president with the online music distributor MP3.Com Inc., sought unspecified damages for negligence of passenger liability in his lawsuit, which was filed on Tuesday in US District Court in Los Angeles.
The crash of the flight took place in (46) , killing (47) people.
The man who survived has sued the (48) Airline because he claimed that the accident was (49) .
Jonediza sought unspecified damages for negligence through the (50) .

[单项选择]How many nicknames of Los Angeles are mentioned in this passage()
A. 7.
B. 6.
C. 5.
D. 8.

Many people in Los Angeles drive long distances back and forth to work on freeways. Free ways are wide highways without traffic lights. Some have as many as six lanes traveling in both directions. However, the freeways get very crowded during morning and afternoon rush hour. If a large vehicle breaks down or overturns, it blocks the lanes and the traffic may become jammed for hours. Traffic is also slow where one freeway meets another. In recent years, public officials have tried to reduce the number of cars on the freeways by asking people to share their cars. If several people ride to work in the same car, one lane of the freeway is reserved for them. On their way to work, they listen to traffic reports on their car radios.

What are freeways
They are wide highways()
[填空题]Residents of Los Angeles are now tending to reduce the yearly distances they travel by car.
[填空题]The maglev line plan from Los Angeles to Pittsburgh has been suspended because of its high ______.

[单项选择]At the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) , a student loaded his class notes into a handheld e-mail device and tried to read them during an exam: a classmate turned him in. At the University of Nevada at Las Vegas (UNLV) students photographed test questions with their cell phone cameras and transmitted them to classmates. The university put in place a new examination-supervision system. "If they’d spend as much time studying, they’d all be A students," says Ron Yasbin, dean of the College of Sciences of UNLV.
With a variety of electronic devices, American students find it easier to cheat. And college officials find themselves in a new game of eat and mouse. They are trying to fight would-he cheats in the exam season by cutting off Internet access from laptops(笔记本电脑), demanding the surrender of cell phones before tests or simply requiring that exams be taken with pens and paper.
"It is annoying. My hand-writing is so bad," said Ryan Dapremont, 21 who just finished
A. should be severely punished for their dishonesty
B. didn’t have much time to study before the exam
C. could get the highest grades if they had studied hard enough
D. could be excused because they were not familiar with the new system
[单项选择]Los Angeles Weekly Magazine
What’s Next for Water

By Jonathan Turner
We are in the middle of one of the worst water shortages of the past forty years. The unusually hot weather and the lack of rainfall mean water is now in extremely short supply. As well as following the official restrictions in place at this time, it is important that we all use water sensibly. Here is what you can do to help us manage the situation:
Don’t use fresh water to wash your car
Don’t sprinkle water on your garden or lawn
Make sure your washing machine is full when you use it
Take showers instead of baths
Remember also that forecasters predict this weather will be present throughout the rest of the summer which is just starting. Los Angeles citizens are asked to work together to ensure that we can meet reasonable water needs while not overusing this precious part of nature.
What is the main topic of the article
A. The development of infrastructure
B. The penalties for misusing land
C. The sale of new home appliances
D. The conservation of resources


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