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发布时间:2024-05-31 18:01:10

[单项选择]It takes ______ two days to finish this report.
A. he
B. him
C. his

更多"It takes ______ two days to finish "的相关试题:

[单项选择]It takes ______ two days to finish this report.
[A] he [B] him [C] his
[单项选择]______, you cannot finish the book in two days.
A. Fast as you read
B. As you read fast
C. You read as fast
D. As read fast you
Landing a Job of the Future Takes a Two-Track Mind

If you’re gearing up for a job search now as an undergraduate or returning student, there are several bright spots where new jobs and promising career paths are expected to emerge in the next few years.
Technology, health care and education will continue to be hot job sectors, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ outlook for job growth between 2008 and 2018. But those and other fields will yield new opportunities, and even some tried-and-true fields will bring some new jobs that will combine a variety of skill sets.
The degrees employers say they’ll most look for include finance, engineering and computer science, says Andrea Koncz, employment-information manager at the National Association of Colleges and Employers. But to land th
A. technology
B. health care
C. education
D. media
[填空题]John told me he (finish)()the work two days before.
[单项选择]It took______two days to finish this report.
[A] he [B] him [C] his
[填空题]The novel was supposed (finish)()two years ago.
[单项选择]A. It’s three kilograms. B. It takes two weeks.
C. You should do it another way. D. You should have it weighed first.
[单项选择]A. It’s three kilograms. B. It takes two weeks.
C. You should do it another way. D. You should have it weighed first.
[单项选择]Within two days, the army fired more than two hundred rockets and missiles at military ()in the coastal city.
A. goals
B. aims
C. targets
D. destinations
[单项选择] On the past few days, two nations with large numbers of AIDS-infected people have announced plans to distribute a triple cocktail of life-prolonging antiretroviral drugs free to all who need it. China has been treating 5 ,000 patients and plans to expand the program to cover everyone in the country. South Africa’’s cabinet approved a plan that includes drugs for all who need them. China spent years denying it had an AIDS problem. Until recently, South Africa’’s top officials minimized the epidemic, questioned whether H.I. V. was the cause of AIDS and labeled antiretroviral drugs "poisons". Both countries have now taken a courageous and essential step. But only one is likely to succeed. Indeed, China’’s program is already failing. One in five Chinese who have received antiretroviral drugs has already stopped taking them, which can lead to the creation of drug-resistant strains of the virus. China has only about 100 doctors nationwide with experience in treating AIDS. Healt
A. worried.
B. indifferent.
C. optimistic.
D. frustrated .


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