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发布时间:2023-12-23 02:05:42

[单项选择]An ideal family admired by all consisted of 5 generations, with the male members making all the important decisions.
A. 理想的、令人羡慕的家庭是五世同堂,家里的大事由男人做主。
B. 理想的、令人羡慕的家庭由五代人组成,家里的重要决定由男子定夺。
C. 我们心中理想的家庭由五个人组成,家里的大事由男人做主。
D. 我们心中理想的家庭由五个人组成,年长者对重要决定有决策权。

更多"An ideal family admired by all cons"的相关试题:

[单项选择]An ideal family admired by all consisted of 5 generations, with the male members making all the important decisions.
A. 理想的、令人羡慕的家庭是五世同堂,家里的大事由男人做主。
B. 理想的、令人羡慕的家庭由五代人组成,家里的重要决定由男子定夺。
C. 我们心中理想的家庭由五个人组成,家里的大事由男人做主。
D. 我们心中理想的家庭由五个人组成,年长者对重要决定有决策权。
[单项选择]Once in Britain, family members would all get annoyed at the phone call while watching TV programs like The Two Ronnies. This does not often happen now—we are either twice as smart or twice as inattentive as we used to be.
Ofcom’s research demonstrates that the British have become a nation of media junkies (成瘾者). Now they spend more time on the Internet and do much net visiting while watching television. It is unlikely that the whole family will be in the living room these days—unless Doctor Who is on.
Ofcom’s data show that despite all the distractions (分心) offered by the internet ,which were supposed to threaten the basis of television viewing, the British remain fixed to the small screen.
The average time spent in front of TV fixed at three hours and 38 minutes a day, only six minutes down from 2003. Radio listening has suffered a little more in that time, but every person still spends a further 2 hours and 44 minutes a day with the radio on in the background.
A. The Two Ronnies
B. a traditional program
C. EastEnders
D. Doctor Who
[简答题]多基因家族(multi gene family)
[单项选择]To: All Employees
From: Gene Pitt, Director of Marketing
Subject: New Promotional Strategy
After November 1st of this year, we will no longer be mailing paper flyers to individual households. In recent times, the number of customers using coupons from these f yers has dropped significantly. According to the records at our grocery store head office, 250 customers per week used to use the coupons at one of our downtown grocery stores ten years ago. Now, however, this number has dwindled to only 25 customers each week.
After conducting surveys, the marketing department believes that most consumers would rather make use of discounts offered over the Internet. Most customers indicated a preference for the Internet rather than flyers because using the website is much more convenient. Therefore, we have decided not to issue flyers any more.
In conjunction with this change in promotional strategy, we are also considering other ways to increase revenues. To ac
A. They mostly live outside the city.
B. They prefer using websites.
C. They don’t have mailboxes for flyers.
D. They like to shop on weekends.
[简答题]Reporter gene
[简答题]Gene targeting
[简答题]Regulatory gene
[简答题]Gene conversion
[简答题]gene pool
[简答题]gene conversion
[简答题]断裂基因(interrupted gene orsplit gene)


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