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发布时间:2024-07-31 04:41:07

[填空题]The examination_____________________(一定很难) since none of the students passed.

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[填空题]The examination_____________________(一定很难) since none of the students passed.

A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
E. A、B、C、D都不正确
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6
[单项选择] Passage 3
Since sick building syndrome (综合病症) (SBS) shares symptoms with many prevalent maladies (疾病), from the common cold to allergies and asthma, it can be easily overlooked. The condition is typically recognized only after a group of people occupying the same building come down with the classic symptoms, especially if those symptoms wane during the evening and on weekends.
Given a poorly ventilated (使通风), airtight (不漏气的,密封的)building, SBS is believed to be caused by one of two general categories of pollution. The first, typical of flew or newly renovated buildings, is chemical pollution. That "new smell" you get when first moving into a new house is actually the odor of chemical vapors being given off by paint, glue (胶), carpeting and other construction materials. Formaldehyde (甲醛), which is considered a probable hum
A. SBS is actually some kind of prevalent maladies.
B. SBS has similar symptoms to those of many prevalent maladies.
C. SBS has a specific symptom different from that of any other maladies.
D. None mentioned in the article.
A. 在这个国家里不可能种植仙客来。
B. 这个国家有一半的地区既干旱又炎热。
C. 这个国家的某些地区既不炎热也不干旱。
D. 这个国家大部分地区的气候是寒冷的。
[单项选择]顾客在决定将汽车送去维修时,很难知道维修服务的内容、质量和结果,也很难评估服务的质量;同时提供维修服务的汽车修理企业也不容易向顾客展示和沟通自己的优势和特色。这种情况体现了服务的( )特征。
A. 无形性
B. 同步性
C. 异质性
D. 易逝性

计算机对主存的要求是速度快、容量大、价格低,但现实情况三者很难统一于一身,很难找到这种存储器件。为了能解决这一需求,在主存与CPU之间增加一级 cache,其主要目的是为解决 (1) ,每次CPU访问主存时,都先要查询该单元数据是否已调入cache。为了把主存地址变成cache地址,常常使用3种cache地址映像方式,其时全相联地址映像方式,使用起来最方便、最灵活但查找很困难,为了达到cache的要求,实现时常常采用 (2) ,按照cache字块标志的内容访问映像存储器,查找命中的cache字块地址。

A. 主存速度低
B. 主存容量小
C. 主存价格贵
D. 主存可靠性差

Despite increased airport security since September 11th, 2001, the technology to scan both passengers and baggage for weapons and bombs remains largely unchanged. Travellers walk through metal detectors and carry-on bags pass through x-ray machines that superimpose colour-coded highlights, but do little else. Checked-in luggage is screened by "computed tomography", which peers inside a suitcase rather like a CAT scan of a brain. These systems can alert an operator to something suspicious, but they cannot tell what it is.
More sophisticated screening technologies are emerging, albeit slowly. There are three main approaches: enhanced x-rays to spot hidden objects, sensor technology to sniff dangerous chemicals, and radio frequencies that can identify liquids and solids.
A number of manufacturers are using "reflective" or "backscatter" x-rays that can be calibrated to see objects through clothing. They can spot things that a metal
A. Their efficiency
B. Their brand
C. Their output
D. Their component


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