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发布时间:2023-10-20 11:54:43

[简答题]中国的灯笼是汉族传统工艺品(traditional handicrafts by Han people),起源于1800多年前的西汉时期。灯笼最初的用途是照明,在黑暗中给人们带来光明。灯笼上绘有各种图案。传统的图案有龙、凤、花鸟等。在中国,每逢元宵节或中秋节有点灯笼的习俗。人们挂起象征团圆意义的红灯笼,来营造一种吉利喜庆的氛围。灯笼寄寓着人们对生活的美好希望。随着中外文化交流的增多,越来越多的外国人对中国灯笼有了认同感,他们把它看成是中国的一种传统文化而给予尊重。

更多"中国的灯笼是汉族传统工艺品(traditional handicraf"的相关试题:

[单项选择]2001年3月,某工艺品公司向银行贷款100万元,贷款期限为一年。双方约定:工艺品公司提供价值90万元的玉雕制品作担保,逾期不能清偿贷款的,该批玉雕制品归银行所有。同时,公民甲与银行订立合同,愿意为工艺品公司提供保证。同年4月 1日,工艺品公司向银行交付了该批玉雕制品。同年9月,银行在未通知工艺品公司的情况下,将该批玉雕制品出租给博物馆展览,获租金10万元。展览期间,该批玉雕制品被盗,工艺品公司获得赔偿金 80万元。
工艺品公司和银行之间的担保合同于( )生效。
A. 贷款合同成立时
B. 贷款合同生效时
C. 担保合同成立时
D. 玉雕制品交付银行时
[判断题]金银花丝镶嵌工艺品是以金银为主要原料,采用花丝与石镶工艺,融多种技法于一体而制成的高级工艺美术品,主要产于福建和四川成都。( )
[填空题]There is growing dissatisfaction toward rich people, according to a new online poll.
The poll by the China Youth Daily (26) sina.com has highlighted the apparent (27) over the country’s widening income gap.
Nearly 8,000 people filled in online (28) last week, and when asked to use three words to describe the society’s rich, the top (29) were "extravagant", "greedy" and "corrupt".
About 57 percent of those (30) said that "extravagant" was the best word to describe the rich, followed closely by "greedy".
(31) , despite their dissatisfaction, 93 percent of those polled wished they could be rich too, and that richer people should be "socially (32) "
Some 33 percent of respondents also praised rich people for being "smart".
Nearly 90 percent of respondents agreed that most people in society, including themselves, (33) speak up for the poor but were (34)
Happy Marriage, Happy Heart

Happily married people have lower blood pressure (51) unhappily married people or singles, a Brigham Young University study says.
On the other hand, even having a supportive social network did not translate into a blood pressure benefit for singles or unhappily (52) people, according to the study.
"There seem to be some unique health benefits from marriage. It’s not just being married (53) benefits health—what’s really the most protective of health is having a happy (54) ," study author Julianne Holt Lunstad, a psychologist who specializes in relationships and health, said in a prepared statement.
The study included 204 married and 99 (55) adults who wore portable blood-pressure monitors for 24 hours. The (56) recorded blood pressure at random intervals and provided a total of about 72 readings.
"We wanted to capture participants’ blood pr
A. young
B. old
C. single
D. experienced
[填空题]Many cultures have different ideas about why people catch colds. For example, in the United States, some people think that you can catch cold if your (1) get cold. So, mothers tell little children to wear (2) boots in the winter. In other places, including parts of the Middle East, some people believe that strong winds cause colds. So, on trains and buses, people usually don’t like to sit (3) open windows. In parts of Europe, some people think that wearing wet clothes will give you a cold. They say that after you go (4) , you should quickly put on dry clothes. Today, scientists know that colds are caused by viruses. But the old ideas are still very strong, and many people still follow them to (5) getting ill.Many cultures have different ideas about why people catch colds. For example, in the United States, some people think that you can catch cold if your (1) get cold. So, mothers tell little children to wear (2)


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