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发布时间:2024-02-08 01:36:28

[填空题] Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.
We always convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, than another. Then we are frustrated that the kids aren’t old enough and we’ll be more (47) when they are. After that we’re frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. We will (48) be happy when they are out of that stage.
We always tell ourselves that our life will be (49) when our spouse gets his or her act together. When we get a nice car, and are able to go on a nice vocation when we (50) . The truth is that there’s no better time than right now. If not now, when Our life will always be filled with (51) .It’s best to admit this to ourselves and decide to be happy anyway.
One of my favorite (52) comes from Alfred Souza. He said: "for a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin-real life. But there was always some (53

更多"Questions 47 to 56 are based on the"的相关试题:

[单项选择] Questions 14 to 16 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the passage.

From the passage we know that piglets
A. easily get crushed in the first weeks
B. does not like warm waterbeds in the beginning
C. generally like snuggling up to their mothers for warmth
D. are not happy wallowing in the mud
[单项选择]Questions 15 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the passage.Which of the following concerning meat is NOT mentioned in the passage
A. Keep uncooked meat cold until it is cooked.
B. Make sure meat is cooked completely.
C. Wash containers that held the uncooked meat before using them again for cooked food.
D. Keep liquid from uncooked meat away from other foods.
[单项选择]Questions 17 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage ,you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.
Now listen to the passage.

How can sharks find their quarries
A. By good sense of water waves made by quarries.
B. By good sense of smell and electrical magnetic power.
C. By good sense of light.
D. By good sense of bloo
[单项选择] Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the passage.

When are airplanes not fuel efficient
A. On short trips.
B. On long trips.
C. When flying over cities.
D. When flying at high altitudes.
[单项选择] Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the passage.

When did the first award ceremony take place
A. In 1895.
B. In 1901.
C. In 1962.
D. In 1968.
[单项选择]Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.
My father’s reaction to the bank building at 43rd Street and Fifth Avenue in New York City was immediate and definite. “You won’t catch me putting my money in there!” he declared, “Not in that glass box!”
Of course, my father is a gentleman of the old school, a member of the generation to whom a good deal of modern architecture is upsetting, but I am convinced that his negative response was not so much to the architecture as to a violation of his concept of the nature of money.
In his generation money was thought of as a real commodity (实物) that could be carried, or stolen. Consequently, to attract the custom of a sensible man, a bank had to have heavy walls, barred windows, and bronze doors, to affirm the fact, however untrue, that money would be safe inside. If a building’s design made it appear impenetrable, the institution was necessarily reliable, and the meaning of the heavy wall as an ar
A. ambitious and friendly
B. reliable and powerful
C. sensible and impenetrable
D. imaginative and creative
[单项选择]Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage.

What does the airplane example illustrate about the deep sea research
A. Why it is difficult to use aerial photographs in research.
B. Why oceanic research is so limited.
C. How oceanic research has helped land research.
D. How light is used to attract sea lif


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