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发布时间:2024-02-24 18:00:02

[单项选择]Wisdom in old age depends on a fresh supply of new brain cells, a study in mice suggests.. When mature mice learn a new task, their newly generated brain cells are three times more active than their old ones, the researchers found. The findings add to a growing body of evidence that the adult brain needs a steady addition of new cells to maintain its mental faculties.
Researchers found that mature mice’s brain cells are much more active than before when
A. they are transplanted with new brain cells.
B. they learn to do something new.
C. they gain weight in the body.
D. they get new cells from other mic

更多"Wisdom in old age depends on a fres"的相关试题:

New Brain Cells Love to Learn

Wisdom in old age depends on a fresh supply of new brain cells, a study in mice suggests. When mature mice learn a new task, their newly generated brain cells are three times more active than their old ones, the researchers found. The findings add to a growing body of evidence that the adult brain needs a steady addition of new cells to maintain its mental faculties.
Paul Frankland at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and colleagues injected a group of mice with a chemical agent that stains only those cells born in the animals’ brains at the time of injection.
One week later, the team taught some of the mice how to navigate through a maze (迷宫), before sacrificing them to analyse the cells in a region of the brain called the hippocampus(海马体),which is key to learning and memory. In stages, the rest of the mice also underwent this paired process of learning and hippocampal exa
A. Adult brains need new cells to maintain their functions.
B. Only old people need a steady addition of new cells to maintain their brain functions.
C. Old people will lose their wisdom completely.
D. Newly generated brain cells are a little more active than old ones.
Old age and seniority alone do net command authority among the British: in fact modem life bas been developing so fast that old people often appear tiresome and out of date. Thus, "We need some young blood" is often heard in the organizations where the energy and modern methods of younger men are felt to be more likely to succeed than the long but partly irrelevant experience of older ones. The wisest of the older generation realize this. They either make an effort to remain young in heart and keep pace with the time, or else they let younger men take their place.
It follows that mature British have no desire to grow old or to look older than they are. Women especially, for reasons of sexual attraction, long to "stay young", and there is no greater compliment to a mature woman than to be told "How young you look!" On the other hand, if a woman’s hairstyle, make-up and clothes reveal an obvious effort to look artificially young, she is said to

Active in Old Age Keeps People Mobile
People over 70 who aren’t active are more likely to develop problems walking or climbing stairs within a few years, according to a new study.
These findings suggest that it’s very important to stay (51) in old age, study author Dr. Marjolein Visser told Reuters Health.
   "Physical activity in old age is as important (52) taking your medications(药物), " Visser noted. "You do not need to join an expensive, fancy sports club with high-tech (高科技的) equipment. Your body will already (53) from regular walking."
Visser, a Dutch (荷兰的)scholar, explained that (54) active helps prevent people from becoming breathless during simple activities, increase muscle mass and strength, and maintain the balance people need to walk up stairs, for instance.
To investigate how important exercise is to older adults, Visser’s team interviewed 3,075 men and
A. children
B. people
C. women
D. youths


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