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发布时间:2023-12-19 02:17:24

[填空题]Either Tom or Tim isn’t a worker. ______ Tom ______ Tim is a worker.

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[填空题]Either Tom or Tim isn’t a worker.
______ Tom ______ Tim is a worker.

[单项选择]Tom isn’t a diligent student, for it is the third time he has been late, ( )
A. wasn’t it
B. hasn’t it
C. isn’t it
D. hasn’t he
[填空题]Either Tim or his brothers (have to) ______ wash the dirty car right now.
[填空题]Either Tim or his brothers (have to)()wash the dirty car right now.
[单项选择]—Why isn’t Tom in today
—Perhaps something ______to him.
A. happens
B. happened
C. was happened
[单项选择]A: Tom is such a noisy man, isn’ t he
B: I saw a fantastic movie yesterday.
What can we know from B’s answer
A. B wanted to tell A that the film he saw was good.
B. B did not understand A’s question at all.
C. B did not want to talk more about A’s topic.
D. B did not know anything about Tom.

M: Mary, why isn’t Tom working here this month
W: He was fired last month.

Why did Tom leave here( ).
A. He worked poorly and was dismissed.
B. He missed his home very much.
C. He wanted to leave.
[单项选择]Tom is tall, ______ he isn’t strong.
[A]and [B]but [C]so
Tom and Tim are twins. They look the same. They study in the same class, and Miss Li is their Chinese teacher. Tom works hard at his lessons, but Tim likes nothing but playing. So Tim doesn’t do well in his lessons.
One day, Miss Li told her students to write a composition "My Mother". After supper Tom wrote it in his exercise book. And then he went to help his mother to do some housework. But Tim went to play football after supper. He came back late, and then he remembered the homework. He had to write it but he didn’t know how. So he found Tom’s schoolbag and took his composition out and just copied it.
Two days later, Miss Li asked Tim, "Can you tell me why your composition is the same as Tom’s" "Yes, of course I can," answered Tim, "Because our mother is the same./
Tom and Tim are like each other.
[A] True.
[B] False.
[填空题]Tom borrowed the bike from Tim.
Tim ______ the bike to Tom.

[填空题]Tom borrowed the bike from Tim. Tim ______ the bike to Tom.
A: It is aveod good day. isn’t it
B: Yes. isn’t It’s wonderfulafler thelerrihledownpour(倾盆大雨) last night
A: Yes. The air is so fresh and the grmss looks so green!
B: Let’s hope it stays nlce for the whole day.
A: Well. theweather forecast says that we’tl have occasional raln (阵雨) this aftemoon. andthe lemperatum will drop to 10℃.
B: Oh. the weather changes so quickly this time of years How about the weather this workend
A: It’s going to be sunny. but a bit windy.
B: That’s not too bad.
How was the wealher yesterday


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