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发布时间:2023-10-19 17:20:33

[简答题]Your plan __________ (听起来切实可行).

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[简答题]Your plan __________ (听起来切实可行).


M: What is your plan for the weekend
W: I think I’ll do some cooking. You can come for dinner if you like.

What does the woman mean ()
A. She asks the man to teach her how to cook.
B. She asks the man for help.
C. She invites the man to dinner.
D. She asks the man to have a look.

M: I agreed with your plan at the meeting this morning. It was an excellent one.
W: You should have supported it then—when I needed it.

What does the woman mean()
A. She lost her face during the meeting.
B. She agreed that it was an excellent meeting.
C. The plan should be put forward.
D. He would have supported the plan this morning.

W: I agreed with your plan at the meeting, it was a good idea.
M: You should back me up then.

What does the man mean ()
A. His back hurt during the meeting.
B. He agreed that it was a good meeting.
C. The plan should be sent back.
D. Her support would have helped this morning.
[填空题](Frank)()speaking, I don’t think your plan is practical.
[填空题]Your plan is good in theory, but I doubt ______ (实行起来未必能行).

[填空题]Frankly (speak) ______ , I don’t think your plan is practical.

[填空题]If you can make readjustments in your fitness plan as you age, you can stay strong and flexible and ______.
[多项选择]For two candidates
Training Plan

Your company has decided to use an outside agency for language training for the staff.
You have been asked to have preliminary discussions with the agency to organise this.
Discuss the situation together, and decide:
· what information you will need to provide for the agency
· what kinds of questions you will need to ask the agency.
For three candidates
Training Plan

Your company has decided to use an outside agency for language training for the staff.
You have been asked to have preliminary discussions with the agency to organise this.
Discuss the situation together, and decide:
· what information you will need to provide for the agency
· what kinds of questions you will need to ask the agency
· what other arrangements would have to be made for the training programm

M: What is your future plan
W: I want to act in a new film directed by Zhang Yimou. That’s what I want for years.
M: Is it an important part in the film
W: Yes, I’ll try my best.
M: Thank you for your accepting our interview.

What job does the man do( ).
A. Journalist.
B. Actor.
C. Film-maker.
[填空题]{{B}} How to Plan Your Future Career{{/B}} For a few months before graduation, university students are busy with job hunting. Several points of concern from final year students in relation to your future career are summarized as follows. Ⅰ. {{B}}Requirements from Employers{{/B}} 1. Ideal employees in employers’ eyes 1) have {{U}} (1) {{/U}}, display initiatives, excel in analysis and languages (1) ______. 2) show {{U}} (2) {{/U}} and adaptability (2) ______. 2. Recommendations for the students 1) read magazines and newspapers 2) take {{U}} (3) {{/U}}, hold discussion with teachers and classmates (3) ______. 3) take part in activities relevant to {{U}} (4) {{/U}}


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