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发布时间:2024-07-31 18:34:29

[单项选择]Questions 15-18 are based on the following dialogue:Why does the woman suggest that the man visit her office in the afternoon
A. She isn’t there in the morning.
B. Her assistant isn’t there in the morning.
C. She won’t have the forms he needs until the afternoon.
D. She isn’t as busy in the afternoon.

更多"Questions 15-18 are based on the fo"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Questions 15~18 are based on the following dialogue.Why does the man go to the travel agency
A. To get help deciding where to take his vacation.
B. To visit his friends in Paris.
C. To get information about Parisian night clubs.
D. To make a hotel reservation in Paris.
[单项选择]Questions 19~22 are based on the following dialogue between two college students.What does the man ask the woman to do
A. Show his cousin around the campus.
B. Go out for a dinner.
C. Help him finish another term paper.
D. Go to the park.

Questions 18~21 are based on the following dialogue between two friends talking about traveling.
M: So you’re visiting San Francisco
W: Yes, I just got here the day before yesterday, and you
M: I’m a native.
W: Oh, really All the people I meet here are tourists like me. I was beginning to think that maybe there were no natives.
M: Well. San Francisco has a lot of different ethnic groups, so you might think you’re seeing a lot of foreigners. But in fact, the city has a population of about 700, 000 people.
W: What are the ethnic groups
M: Well, after whites, the largest one is blacks.
W: I thought it was Chinese.
M: It’s true that San Francisco has the largest Chinese community outside Asia. But the black people there are more than Chinese.
W: That’s interesting. Don’t most of the Chinese people live in China-town
M: Well, no, they live throughout the city, bu
A. He thinks the city is pretty.
B. He likes to talk with people.
C. He travels a lot in the city.
D. He teaches ethnic history at a university.


Questions 22~25 are based on the following dialogue about driving.
M: Well, Mrs. Fern, how did you do in your driving test
W: Not so well, I’m afraid.
M: Didn’t you get your license
W: No. My score was only 49 percent. The woman who tested me was very strict about everything. M. Where did you lose the most points
W: One thing was not turning my head before changing lanes or making turns.
M: Right. Using a turn signal isn’t enough. To be safe, you have to glance back over your shoulder in the direction you want to go.
W: My teacher didn’t emphasize that enough, or about maintaining the fight distance behind the car in front.
M: That’s right. You need a training distance of about one or two car lengths when you’re driving.
W: My parallel parking was good. I’ve been practicing that a lot.
M: What was your worst moment
W: Waiting on an uphill stop for the
A. Not using her signal.
B. Being in the wrong lane.
C. Driving too slowly.
D. Not looking over her shoulder.


Questions 14~17 are based on the following dialogue between a boss and a clerk.
M: Sally, were you able to get that report all typed up
W: Not yet, Mr. Black. Mrs. Farnsworth asked me to type some letters for her. They’ll be finished pretty quick and then I’ll start on that.
M: Don’t forget I need it in the morning. I have to take it along to Chicago to the regional meeting.
W: Don’t worry, I’ll get it done. My husband’s on a business trip too. He’s in Detroit today, and tomorrow he’ll be in Boston. So I’m planning to stay late. After it’s typed up, I’ll leave it on your desk. I must finish it by 8: 00.
M: I’m sorry to make you so late.
W: It’s all right, Mr. Black. Really, I don’t mind. at all. Besides, I can make a little extra money. My husband’s birthday is next month. I want to buy him a new watch.
M: What kind are you going to get
A. Pretty quick.
B. By8:00.
C. In a little while.
D. First thing in the morning.


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