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发布时间:2024-07-31 06:56:16


W: I’m afraid we are going to miss the 3 o’clock train.
M: Don’t worry. We can get our tickets changed for this evening.

What does the man suggest to do ()
A. Check the timetable.
B. Go to the railway station earlier.
C. Travel on a later train.
D. Cancel the trip earlier.

更多"W: I’m afraid we are going to"的相关试题:


W: I’m afraid we are going to miss the 3 o’clock train.
M: Don’t worry. We can get our tickets changed for this evening.

What does the man suggest to do ()
A. Check the timetable.
B. Go to the railway station earlier.
C. Travel on a later train.
D. Cancel the trip earlier.

M: I’m afraid I must be going now.
W: Must you It’s still early.
M: I’m afraid I really must. I have to meet a midnight plane.
W: In that case, we can’t keep you.
M: Well, thank you very much for a pleasant evening.
W: Thank you for coming. You must come again.
M: Thank you. I will. Goodbye.
W: Goodbye. I wish you a very good journey home.

Why does the man leave early( ).
A. Because he is too tired.
B. Because he is catching a flight.
C. Because he does not like to stay.

M: Any message for me, Miss White
W: Just one, Mr. Brown. You had a phone call from someone called Smith, Mary Smith.
M: Smith I don’t know anyone called Smith. What did she say
W: She wouldn’t say anything. But it sounded important, I told her you’d call her as soon as you came back.
M : Well, I think I’d better do it then. Have you got her telephone number
W: Yes, it’s 44356793.
M: Have you written it down
W: I always do. it’s on your desk.
M : Thank you.

Who made the telephone call ()
A. Mr. Smith.
B. Miss White.
C. Miss Smith.
D. Mr. Brown.
[单项选择]M:Are you going to the movies tonightW:I’m afraid not.I still didn’t complete my paper that must be handed in tomorrow.Q:Why isn’t the woman going to the movies tonight()
A. Because she has to write her paper.     
B. Because she has no money.
C. Because she is afraid.            
D. Because she will see the film tomorrow.
[单项选择]—We have finished watering all the flowers, Miss Wang.
—______! Boys and girls, let’s have a drink.
A. Good luck
B. Well done
C. Good idea

M: Miss Polly
W: Yes, sir. Anything I can do for you
M: Yes, please make a call to Dell. Tell them that we’ll place an order for 20 personal computers.
W: All right. I’ll do it at once.

What’s the relationship between the man and the woman ( )
A. Boss and secretary.
B. Father and daughter.
C. Customer and assistant.

M: Miss Polly
W: Yes, sir. Anything I can do for you
M: Yes, please make a call to Dell. Tell them that we’ll place an order for 20 personal computers.
W: All right. I’ll do it at once.

What’s the relationship between the man and the woman( ).
A. Boss and secretary.
B. Father and daughter.
C. Customer and assistant.

M: Is there anything wrong, Miss
W: My husband and I have kept waiting for nearly an hour for our meal.

How did the woman feel about the restaurant’s service ()
A. Unsatisfied.
B. Happy.
C. Angry.
D. Sorry.

M: Good morning, Miss Smith.
W: Good morning. Can I help you
M: Yes. I want to borrow a book" Harry. Porter"
W: Let me check it for you. Yes, here you are.
M: Thank you. Here’s my card. I wonder how long I can keep it
W: You may keep it for two weeks. The book you’ve just borrowed is to be returned on May 18th.
M: What happens if I can’t finish reading it in two weeks
W: You can come here and renew it for another two weeks.
M: That’s good. Thank you for your help.
W: Not at all. That’s what I’m here for. Come again.
M: I will. Good-bye.

Where does the conversation most likely take place()
A. In the classroom.
B. In the dormitory.
C. In the library.

M: Is this your umbrella, Miss
W: Oh yes, it is. Thank you. I was looking for it just now.
M: You look a bit familiar to me. I wonder if I have seen you somewhere before.
W: Have you
M: May I ask where you live
W: Just two blocks away, in that tall building.
M: That’s it. I live there, too. I live on the sixth floor.
W: My family moved in just two weeks ago. We live on the fourth floor.
M: It’s a small world! May I know your name, Miss
W: I’m Chen Ying.
M: How do you do. Miss Chen I’m Song Wei.
W: I’m glad to know you, Mr. Song.
M: Are you going to your office now, Miss Chen
W: No. I’m going to do some shopping for the weekend. What a bout you
M: I’m going to the airport to meet some friends from Beijing.
W: See you later, Mr. Song.
M: Have a good day, Miss Chen.
W: You too.

What was the woman doing
A. Looking for her umbrella.
B. Going to work.
C. Moving into a new building.


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