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[多项选择]PART TWO

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[多项选择]PART TWO
[多项选择]PART TWO
How to approach Writing Test Part Two

·Part Two counts for two thirds of the total marks in the Writing Test.
·You should spend about 30 minutes on Part Two.
·You will be asked to write a report, proposal or piece of business correspondence.
·You will be given information, such as a letter, advertisement, or charts and graphs, as the starting point for your answer, and will be told who to write to.
·About five ’handwritten’ notes will also be given. You must use all these notes when writing your answer, and will need to invent information in connection with some of them. If you leave out any of the five notes, you will lose marks.
·Read the instructions carefully so that you know what do, and underline the key words.
·Make an outline plan, putting the five notes into a suitable order.
·Start your answer by briefly saying why you are writing.
·Express your ideas clearly.
·Try to use a wide range of appropriate vocab
[多项选择]PART TWO
Discussion—about 5 minutes
In this part of the test the examiner reads out a scenario and gives you some prompt material in the form ofpictures or words.You have 2 minutes to look at the prompt cards,an example of which is below,and thenabout 2 minutes to questions related to the topic.
For 2 or 3 candidates
I’m going to describe a situation.
[多项选择]PART TWO
How to approach Writing Test Part Two

· Part Two counts for two thirds of the total marks in the Writing Test.
· You should spend about 30 minutes on Part Two.
· You will be asked to write a report, proposal or piece of business correspondence.
· You will be given information, such as a letter, advertisement, or charts and graphs, as the starting point for your answer, and will be told who to write to.
· About five ’handwritten’ notes will also be given. You must use all these notes when writing your answer, and will need to invent information in connection with some of them. If you leave out any of the five notes, you will lose marks.
· Read the instructions carefully so that you know what do, and underline the key words.
· Make an outline plan, putting the five notes into a suitable order.
· Start your answer by briefly saying why you are writing.
· Express your ideas clearly
· Try to use a wide range of appropri
[简答题]{{B}}PART TWO How to approach Writing Test Part Two{{/B}} · Part Two counts for two thirds of the total marks in the Writing Test. · You should spend about 30 minutes on Part Two. · You will be asked to write a report, proposal or piece of business correspondence. · You will be given information, such as a letter, advertisement, or charts and graphs, as the starting point for your answer, and will be told who to write to. · About five ’handwritten’ notes will also be given. You must use all these notes when writing your answer, and will need to invent information in connection with some of them. If you leave out any of the five notes, you will lose marks. Planning · Read the instructions carefully so that you know what do, and underline the key words. · Make an outline plan, putting the five notes into a suitable order. Writing · Start your answer by briefly saying why you are writing. · Express your ideas clearly · Try to use a wide range of appropriate vocabulary and gra
[简答题] PART TWO
· You are responsible for planning the magazine advertising of your company’s new product, which is polish for cars. You have just received the letter below from the magazine that you are going to advertise with. You have also received a memo from your Marketing Manager about the advertising campaign.
· Write a letter to Mr. Ellwood at the magazine, telling him about the changes to the advertisement booking, and asking him for any other information that you require.
· Write 128-140 words.
Dear Ms. Beddington,
Thank you for your advertisement booking, the details of which I confirm below.
Name of Company: Autocar Products
Name of Product: Supergloss
Details of Advert. 1/2—page black and white
Advert Will Appear in: June, July and August issues of the magazine
Cost of Advert, $350 per issue (3 issues=$1050)
Discount: 5 % for early booking
Total Cost:
[多项选择]PART TWO
· You are responsible for planning the magazine advertising of your company’s new product. which is a polish for cars. You have just received the letter below from the magazine that you are going to advertise with. You have also received a memo from your Marketing Manager about the advertising campaign on which you have already made some handwritten notes.
· Then, using the letter and your handwritten notes, write a letter to Mr. Goodson at the magazine, telling him about the changes to the advertisement booking, and asking him for any other information that you require.
· Write 100-120 words
Dear Ms. Remington.
Thank you for your advertisement booking, the details of which I confirm below.
Name of Company: Autocare Products
Name of Product: Supergloss
Details of advert: 11/2-page black & white
Advert will appear in: June, July and August issues of the magazine
Cost of advert: $350 per issue (3 issues=$1050)
Discount: 5%
[多项选择]PART TWO
Write an answer to ONE of the questions 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 200-250 words.
Question 2
· Your company would like to break into a new overseas market with your new range of sports goods. You have been asked by Marketing Director to investigate ways of doing this.
· Write your report for the Marketing Director, including the following information:
· how you carried out your research into the market,
· the existing competition,
· your target customers,
· ways of promoting the products in the new market.


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