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发布时间:2023-10-29 23:28:01

[单项选择]The meaning of language was considered as something ______ in traditional semantics.
[A] contextual [B] natural [C] intrinsic [D] logical

更多"The meaning of language was conside"的相关试题:

[填空题]The British structuralism considered that language was identified with speech and speech ability was approached through oral practice of______.
[填空题]The best method of teaching language meaning is to use the learners ______ exeprience.
[多项选择]Body language refers to such meaning representing devices as ______.
A. facial expressions
B. eye behaviours
C. gestures
D. postures
[填空题]Esperanto can be considered as a neutral language because it belongs to ______.

[填空题]The two categories of meaning of language proposed by Wilkins are "______" and "______".
[简答题]What are the two categories of meaning of language proposed by Wilkins What is the distinction between the two terms
[填空题]The emphasis on the meaning with new language items and on language skills, rather than on language ______, is important in achieving automaticity of using the target language.
[单项选择]Often considered in common thought as(), language, culture, and personality are in fact inseparable
A. indistinct paradigms
B. separate reasons
C. irreplaceable concepts
D. independent entities
[简答题]collocative meaning
[单项选择]Text 3
Shopping has always been something of an impulse activity, in which objects that catch our fancy while strolling are immediately bought on a whim. Advertisers and sellers have taken advantage of this fact, carefully positioning inexpensive but attractive items on paths that we are most likely to cross, hoping that our human nature will lead to a greater profit for them. With the dawn of the Internet and its exploding use across the world, the same tactics apply.
Advertisers now place "banners", links to commercial web sites decorated with attractive pictures designed to catch our eyes while browsing the webs, on key web sites with heavy traffic. They pay top dollar for the right, thus creating profits for the hosting web site as well. These actions are performed in the hopes that during the course of our casual and leisurely web surf
A. has taken the place of more traditional methods of advertising.
B. is one of the most effective ways to make profits on the web.
C. is paralleling advertising methods in traditional business settings.
D. seeks to tempt customers through impulse shopping methods.

Germany’s economic success presents something of an educational puzzle. On the one hand, its schools turn out a workforce capable of producing the goods that have made its companies the export champions of the world. On the other hand, the academic achievements of its school children, measured in international tests, look only moderate. The reading abilities of German 15-year-old, according to the PISA studies published by the OECD, are below the average for rich countries. In a world where brainpower matters more and more, how does German business thrive The answer is that a combination of schooling and apprenticeship has proved a reliable supplier and shaper of the sort of labor German businesses need to make goods of high quality, even as similar jobs have disappeared in other rich economies. At the age of 10 or 11 about two-fifths of children are selected to go to a Gymnasium. A lot of these go eventually to universities. Most who do not, and many of those at least acad
A. Indifferent
B. Doubtful
C. Pessimistic
D. Neutral


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