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发布时间:2023-12-18 22:35:09

[单项选择][听力原文] 男:这件衣服挺漂亮啊,一看就知道是大商场里的东西。 女:哪儿啊,是在小店里找到的,质量也不错。 男:怎么不去商场啊? 女:商场里的价钱在小店里能买三件。 问:女的为什么不在商场买?()
A. 商场卖得贵 
B. 去商场太累 
C. 商场里没有 
D. 小店卖的质量好

更多"[听力原文] 男:这件衣服挺漂亮啊,一看就知道是大商场里的东西。 "的相关试题:

[单项选择][听力原文] ??这件事让孔子明白了什么?()
A. 别人说的事情都不能相信 
B. 只能相信自己看到的事情 
C. 产生误会以后要仔细分析 
D. 亲眼看到的也未必是真的
[单项选择][听力原文] 男:请问,这件黑色的羽绒服多少钱? 女:现在打6折,140元。这件羽绒服的样式很适合您。 男:这么便宜,是不是质量不好啊? 女:不是的,质量您尽管放心,现在商场在搞促销活动。 问:羽绒服降价的原因是什么?()
A. 商场促销 
B. 质量不好 
C. 样式不好 
D. 颜色不好
[单项选择][听力原文] 女:先生,这件衣服挺适合您的。 男:好是好,就是有点儿贵。 女:您别嫌贵,这件衣服无论是上班还是出差都可以穿。 男:好,那我在考虑考虑吧。 问:男的觉得这件衣服怎么样?()
A. 价格有些贵 
B. 上班不能穿 
C. 出差不能穿 
D. 不适合自己
[单项选择][听力原文] ??知道了这件事后,大部分人对陆元方是什么态度?()
A. 讽刺他 
B. 尊重他 
C. 鼓励他 
D. 怀疑他
[单项选择][听力原文] 男:这件毛衣挺漂亮的,我想买一件送给你。 女:下次吧。 问:女的是什么态度?()
A. 很喜欢 
B. 很害羞 
C. 不高兴 
D. 不喜欢
[单项选择][听力原文] 女:您看这件衣服挺不错的,质量好,价钱也不贵。 男:再看看吧。 问:这个男的是什么意思?()
A. 不想要这件 
B. 衣服挺好的 
C. 衣服太贵了 
D. 衣服质量不好
[单项选择][听力原文] 男:这件毛衣多少钱? 女:您说的是黑色的还是白色的?黑色的280块,白色的300块。 男:看起来它们是一样的,为什么价钱不一样? 女:质量不一样。黑色的80%的羊毛,白色的90%的羊毛。 问:白色的毛衣比黑色的贵多少?()
A. 280块 
B. 300块 
C. 10% 
D. 20块
[单项选择][听力原文] ()
A. 8:30 
B. 8:35 
C. 8:40 
D. 8:45
[单项选择][听力原文] 女:这件衬衫真好看,可是价钱太贵了。 男:是有点儿贵,我们回家上网看看,网上肯定比商场便宜。 问:男的准备在哪儿买衬衫?()
A. 商场 
B. 家里 
C. 网上 
D. 超市
[单项选择][听力原文] 男:这件事如果太困难的话,我看就算了吧。 女:不管你愿意不愿意做下去,我都不会放弃。 问:女的是什么意思?()
A. 不会做 
B. 不能做 
C. 会坚持 
D. 会放弃
[单项选择][听力原文] 女:请大家到这边来看,这件是明朝皇后穿过的衣服,十分精美。 男:真是太美了,可惜不能拍照! 问:女的最可能是做什么的?()
A. 解说员 
B. 摄影师 
C. 设计师 
D. 售货员
[单项选择][听力原文] 女:老张,厂里的排球俱乐部想搞场比赛,能不能申请活动费用? 男:这件事我说了不算,得领导点头才行。 问:男的是什么意思?()
A. 这个想法很好 
B. 没有活动费用 
C. 不要去搞比赛 
D. 他没权力决定
A. 她变胖了 
B. 不能打折 
C. 想买衬衫 
D. 再试试白的

American higher education offers degrees in many areas of study. A community college student earns an associate degree after two years of general study. The student may then continue at a college or university for another two years to earn a bachelor’s degree. An undergraduate student at a four-year school earns a bachelor’s degree. Students majoring in an area of science receive the bachelor of science, also known by the letters B. S. Arts or humanities students get the bachelor of arts degree, or B. A. Students who continue in school may earn a master’s degree after two or three more years of study. Many Americans earn master’s degrees at night or on the weekends while they are working. One example of this is the MBA, a master’s degree in business administration. Students learn to deal with all kinds of business situations. They develop skills needed by many companies. MBA programs teach about economics, finance and marketing.
A. They can get an associate degree after two years of general study.
B. They can get a bachelor’s degree after two years of general study.
C. They can get a bachelor of science degree after four years of study.
D. They can get a bachelor of arts degree after four years of study.


Good morning, everyone Community service is an important component of education here at our university We encourage all students to volunteer for at least one community activity before they graduate. A new community program called "One on One" helps elementary students who’ve fallen behind. You education majors might be especially interested in it, because it offers the opportunity to do some teaching—that is tutoring in math and English. You’ll have to volunteer two hours a week for one semester. You can choose to help a child with math, English or both. Half-hour lessons are fine, so you could do a half hour of each subject two days a week. Professor Howard will act as a mentor to the tutors. He’ll he available to help you with lesson plans or to offer suggestions for activities. He has office hours every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. You can sign up for the program with him and begin the tutor
A. He advises students participating in a special program.
B. He teaches part-time in an elementary school.
C. He observes elementary school students in the classroom.
D. He helps students prepare their resumes.


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