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发布时间:2023-12-19 18:36:51

[单项选择]A. He has to rearrange his evening schedule. C. He hasn’t been in a play for a long time.
B. His schoolwork takes up most of his time. D. He might not like the way the group works.

更多"A. He has to rearrange his evening "的相关试题:

I remember meeting him one evening with his pushcart. I had managed to sell all my papers and was coming home in the snow. It was that strange hour in downtown New York when the workers were pouring homeward in the twilight. I marched among thousands of tired men and women whom the factory whistles had unyoked. They flowed in rivers through the clothing factory districts, then down along the avenues to the East Side.
I met my father near Cooper Union. I recognized him, a hunched, frozen figure in an old overcoat standing by a banana cart. He looked so lonely, the tears came to my eyes. Then he saw me, and his face lit with his sad, beautiful smile—Charlie Chaplin’s smile.
"Arch, it’s Mikey," he said. "So you have sold your papers! Come and eat a banana."
He offered me one. I refused it. I felt it crucial that my father sell his bananas,
A. (A) sent out
B. (B) released
C. (C) dispatched
D. (D) removed
[单项选择]After he has written his paper, he found some additional material () he should have included.
A. that
B. of which
C. in which
D. whom

On the evening of his arrival in New York, Jimmy wanted to make a call to his mother. He found a telephone booth nearby and put some coins into a box in it and dialed 734-8681. At first the line was busy and then his call was put through. Jimmy was very glad to say "Hello!" to his mother. Just then came a sweet lady’s voice behind him.
"Are you through"
"Yes," Jimmy turned and said.
With a polite "Excuse me", the lady took up the receiver and dialed. Jimmy had to wait aside until, she put down the telephone.
After a while, Jimmy dialed again and heard his mother’s voice from far.
"What’s wrong with you Why did you ring just now"
"I myself don’t know why," Jimmy didn’t finish calling when a young man ran over and asked anxiously.
"Are you through"
With saying "OK!" the man quickly set
A. He came from the United States.
B. He came from England
C. He came from New York.
D. We don’t know from the passag

[单项选择]Has he finished his application to any universities

M: Where is Tony this evening
W: He is a little under the weather.

What does the woman mean()
A. Tony is under the water.
B. Tony is not feeling well.
C. Tony is watching the weather report.
D. Tony knows little about the weather.
[单项选择]A. He has just quitted his former job. B. He has graduated last June.
C. He is applying for a job. D. He has some work experience.
[单项选择]A. He has finished his biology project. C. He’s annoyed with everyone.
B. He’ll feel happier when the project is completed. D. He took a nap in biology class.


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