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发布时间:2023-12-13 23:48:13

[单项选择]Questions 15 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the passage.

This passage is mainly about
A. an accident in a river.
B. a sea captain.
C. a boat crossing a river full of ice.
D. a noble deed by a brave man.

更多"Questions 15 to 17 are based on the"的相关试题:

[单项选择] Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.
Protests at the use of animals in research have taken a new and fearful character in Britain with the attempted murder of two British scientists by the terrorist technique of the pre-planted car-bomb.
The research community will rightly be alarmed at these development, which have two objectives: to arouse public attention and to frighten people working in research with animals. The first need is that everything should be done to identify those responsible for the crimes and to put them on trial. The Defence Research Society has taken the practical step of offering a reward of 10,000 pounds for information leading to those responsible, but past experience is not encouraging. People are unlikely to be tempted by such offers. The professional police will similarly be confronted by the usual problem of finding a needle in a haystack.
That is why the intellectual community in Britain and elsewhere must ac
A. find out the criminals and punish them
B. find out the criminals and put them in front of the judge
C. call the police and put safeguards around the scientists
D. call for the people to fight against the criminals
[填空题]Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.
I am a foot taller than Napoleon and twice the weight of Twiggy; on my only visit to a beautician (美容师), the woman said she found my face a challenge. Yet despite these social disadvantages I feel cheerful, happy, confident and secure.
I work for a daily newspaper and so get to a lot of places I would otherwise never see. This year I went to Ascot to write about the people there. I saw something there that made me realize the stupidity of trying to conform, of trying to be better than anyone else. There was a small, plump woman, all dressed up—huge hat, dress with pink butterflies, long white gloves. She also had a shooting stick. But because she was so plump, when she sat on the stick it went deep into the ground and she couldn’t pull it out. She tugged and tugged, tears of rage in her eyes. When the final tug brought it out, she crashed with it to the ground.
I saw her walk away. Her day had bee
Questions 11 to 14 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the passage.

John William’s house is made of ______.
A. wood
B. bricks
C. animal skin
D. old stones
[单项选择]Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:
Today, cigarette smoking is a common habit. About forty-three percent of the adult men and thirty-one percent of the adult women in the United States smoke cigarettes regu-larly. It is encouraging to see that millions of people have given up smoking.
It is a fact that men as a group smoke more than women. Among both men and women the age group with the highest portion of smokers is 24-44.
Income, education, and occupation all play a part in determining a person’s smoking habit. City people smoke more than people living on farms. Well-educated men with high in-comes are less likely to smoke cigarettes than men with fewer years of schooling and lower incomes. On the other hand, he is likely to smoke packs of cigarettes per day.
This situation is somewhat different for women. (80) There are slightly more smokers among women with higher family income and higher education than among the lower in-com
A. The picture about the teenage smokers is similar to that of women smokers.
B. The situation among teenagers is quite the same with men.
C. High school students are more likely to smoke than college students.
D. Farmers’ children tend to smoke mor
[单项选择]Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.
Before refrigerators, homes usually had ice boxes. But (47) way to keep food cool without the need for electricity is to use an evaporative cooler. This is easy to make and does not even use (48) .
A. Cold (54) in a freezer, however, can keep foods in good condition fox months after the (55) season. Yet foods can be damaged if they are kept too cold The British development group Practical Action says the best way to prepare foods for storage is at (56) time while still in the field. Use a sharp knife to avoid damage.
  • stayI) covered
  • B) storageJ) under
  • C) harvest
    B. K) water
  • other
    C. L) cold
  • growing
    D. M) air
  • another
    E. N) preparation
  • ice
    F. O) take
  • cool

[单项选择] Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the passage.

Which of the following is NOT true about Liverpool
A. It is located on the river Mersey.
B. It is the birthplace of lots of musicians and intellectuals.
C. It is one of Britain’s largest ports.
D. It is the birthplace of the new pop culture.
[单项选择]Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage. Millions of Americans are entering their 60s and are more concerned than ever about retirement. They know they need to save, but how much And what exactly are they saving for to spend more time ___36___ the grandkids, go traveling, or start another career It turns out that husbands and wives max have ___37___ different ideas about the subject. The deepest divide is in the way spouses envisage their lifestyle in their later years. Fidelity Investments Inc. found 41 percent of the 500 couples it surveyed ___38___ on whether both or at least one spouse will work in retirement. Wives are generally right regarding their husbands’ retirement age, but men ___39___ the age their wives will be when they stop working. And husbands are slightly more ___40___ about their standard of living than wives are. Busy juggling(穷于应对)careers and families, most couples don’t take time to sit down , ___ 41___ together, and think about
[单项选择]Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.
Many of us still tend to regard emotions as interfering with rational thought, and sometimes landing us in trouble. But in recent years psychologists have taken quite a different view. Keith Oatley, Professor of psychology at Glasgow University, is involved in the research which shows the fundamental importance of emotions. He believes we are very ambivalent about them: we think of our emotions as being irrational, but we also consider them as essential to being human.
For example, Mr. Spock, a character in the television series Startrek is super-intelligent, and he has no emotions at all! However, he is never made captain of the spaceship. Maybe, this is because Mr. Spock is not the kind of person you can identify with a person who shows his emotions. As Professor Oatley points out, our emotions have very important functions, for example, fear. If we cross the road and a car approaches, we usually fr
A. Fear helps us to be careful about our surroundings.
B. Happiness inspires us to continue what we are doing.
C. Anger may stimulate us to make greater efforts.
D. Anger tends to do us mote hann than good.
[单项选择]Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now listen to the passage.

Which statement about the research is CORRECT
A. The researchers studied a thousand people of the same age but with different jobs.
B. The research showed that the front and side parts of the brain not controls the character, feelings and intellects.
C. The back part of the brain will not contract gradually with the age.
D. The researchers collected the data without the computers.
[单项选择]Questions 15 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the passage.

It can be inferred that
A. all correctly printed stamps are worthless.
B. Mauritius needed the stamps to send out invitations to a ball.
C. the printer was punished for his mistake.
D. collectors are constantly looking for stamps with mistakes.
[单项选择]Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.
Now listen to the passage.

What does it mean when the chimpanzee points up with one finger
A. It wants to be picked up.
B. It wants to drink one glass of milk.
C. It wants to eat one banana.
D. It wants to play with one person.


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