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发布时间:2023-10-22 11:57:57

[填空题]English uses frequently inflectional morphemes to indicate the ( ) relations between linguistic elements.

更多"English uses frequently inflectiona"的相关试题:


What are the inflectional morphemes in the following phrases:
(a)the teacher’s books
(b)it’s snowing
(c)the newest model
(d)the cow jumped over the moon

[简答题]free morphemes
[填空题]The Morphemes can be grouped into free morphemes and ______ morphemes.
[简答题]What are the differences between inflectional morphemes and derivational morphemes
[单项选择]The following words have inflectional affixes EXCEPT ______.
A. happier
B. worker
C. harder
D. taller
[填空题]Morphemes can be classified into two categories: inflectional and ______ morphemes.
[单项选择]How many morphemes is the word "undesirability" composed of.( )
A. Seven.
B. Two
C. Three.
D. Four.
[单项选择]______ are bound morphemes because they cannot be used as separate words.
A. Roots
B. Stems
C. Affixes
D. Compounds
[单项选择]( ) is the study of the way in how morphemes, representation of sounds, are arranged and combined to form words.
A. Lexicology
B. Morphology
C. Phonology
D. Morphological rule
[单项选择]The word "idealistic" comprises ______ morphemes.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
[单项选择]There are ______ morphemes in the word "uncomfortably".
A. three
B. four
C. five
D. six
[单项选择]There are ______ morphemes in the word "desirability".
A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
[填空题]Some morphemes like -ish, -ness, -ly, -dis, trans-, un-, are never words by themselves but are always parts of words. These affixes are ______ morphemes.
[填空题]Modern leisure uses
[多项选择] Environmental protection is frequently talked about nowadays. The authorities are doing their best to arouse public awareness of the vital importance of environmental protection; and the news media, now and then, expose behaviors which damage the environment to a large extent. What is your opinion Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic.
Environmental protection

In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.

[填空题]English Third
[名词解释]English idioms
[填空题]Introduction to English Synonyms
English has the largest vocabulary and the most
synonyms of all languages in the world. This richness
owns to the constant incorporation of words from other
Ⅰ. The gradual incorporation of words from other languages
—Before 1066, Anglo-Saxon words
—After 1066, words borrowed from (1) ______ (1) ______
—In (2) ______, a great influx of words of Latin (2) ______
and Greek origin
—In modem times, words directly (3) ______ (3) ______
from other languages
— (4) ______ English, e. g. jeep, railroad, fall, (4) ______
gasoline, etc.
Ⅱ. Different kinds of synonyms
—Synonyms referring to the same thing but of
different (5) ______: e. g. foreword, preface, (5) ______
—Synonyms referring to different aspects of
(6) ______: e. g. plain, prairie (6) ______
—Synonyms of diffe


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