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发布时间:2023-10-22 07:11:17

[单项选择]All languages have ( ) terms and distinguish at least three characteristics in relatives.
A. generation
B. subtle
C. complicated
D. kinship

更多"All languages have ( ) terms and di"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In an office, 40 percent of the workers have at least 5 years of service, and a total of 16 workers have at least 10 years of service. If 90 percent of the workers have fewer than 10 years of service, how many of the workers have at least 5 but fewer than 1 0 years of service ?()
A. 48
B. 64
C. 80
D. 144
E. 160
[单项选择]The government’s higher education policies have led the Open University to announce a significant fees increase for next year. We in the Open University Student Association strenuously (强烈地) resist this move and an e-petition (网络签名请原) has been started to ask the government to rethink its proposals.
Thousands of students who’ve been failed by their previous educational experiences graduate with the OU every year. Even though student loans have been opened up to part-time students for the first time as part of the government’s changes to university funding, we know many of these people are debt-averse and will see a student loan as a lifelong debt. How are these people going to be encouraged to take the risk to discover their talent and improve their lives
It is also true that many will not be able to get one of the government’s loans. These are people that want to study standalone modules,or have already studied at university level. They could be doing this to re-skill to get
A. Cutting student loans to part-time students in the Open University.
B. A substantial fees increase due to the new higher education policies.
C. The unfair distribution of government’s loans among students.
D. Stopping funding higher education by the UK government.
Where Have All the Bees Gone

Scientists who study insects have a real mystery on their hands. All across the country, honeybees are leaving their hives and never returning. Researchers call this phenomenon colony-collapse (瓦解) disorder. According to surveys of beekeepers (养蜂人) across the country, 25 to 40 percent of the honeybees in the United States have vanished from their hives (麻疹) since last fall. So far, no one can explain why.
Colony collapse is a serious concern because bees play an important role in the production of about one-third of the foods we eat. As they feed, honeybees spread pollen from flower to flower. Without this process, a plant can’t produce seeds or fruits.
Now, a group of scientists and beekeepers have teamed up to try to figure out what’s causing the alarming collapse of so many colonies. By sharing their expertise (专家的意见) in honeybee behavior, health, and nutrition, team members hope to find out what’
A. Honeybees are flying all across the country.
B. 25--40 percent of the honeybees in the US have died.
C. Honeybees are leaving their hives and do not return.
D. Honeybee hives are in disorder.
We have all heard of counterfeiting before. Usually it refers to people making money— printing it instead of earning it. But counterfeiting also can involve all sorts of consumer goods and manufactured products. From well-known brand names such as Calvin Klein jeans to auto parts, counterfeiters have found ways to produce goods that look authentic. In some instances, counterfeit products look better than the original!
The demand of brand-name products has helped counterfeiting grow into a very profitable business throughout the world and into a serious problem for legitimate manufacturers and consumers alike. Faulty counterfeit parts have caused more than two dozen plane crashes. Most counterfeit auto parts do not meet federal safety standards.
Counterfeiting hurts manufacturers in many ways. Analysts estimate that, in the United States alone,
A. (A) consumers
B. (B) manufacturers
C. (C) salesmen
D. (D) governments
[填空题]Where Have All the People Gone
Germans are getting used to a new kind of immigrant. In 1998, a pack of wolves crossed the Neisse River on the Polish-German border. In the empty landscape of eastern Saxony, dotted with abandoned mines and declining villages, the wolves found plenty of deer and few humans. Five years later, a second pack split from the original, so there’re now two families of wolves in the region. A hundred years ago, a growing land-hungry population killed off the last of Germany’s wolves. Today, it’s the local humans whose numbers are under threat.
Villages are empty, thanks to the region’s low birth rate and rural flight. Home to 22 of the world’s 25 lowest fertility rate countries, Europe will lose 30 million people by 2030, even with continued immigration. The biggest population decline will hit rural Europe. As Italians, Spaniards, Germans and others produce barely three-fifths of children needed to maintain status quo, and as rural flight su


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