发布时间:2024-07-30 20:12:25


The increasingly high rates of juvenile delinquency are a great problem in modem society. More and more people are paying special attention to it.
When it comes to the reasons, here are two of them. Modem youth are more revolutionary and more independent than the elder generation. When this tendency goes to an extreme, problems arise. Some of the young want to throw away all the traditional principles and beliefs, most of which are very good for self-cultivation. They are reluctant to listen to the advice from elder generation. If they behave in the way, as they like, they might commit crimes without realizing it. Studies also show that juvenile-delinquency rates are twice as high for youngsters from single-parent homes as for those in traditional households. Children in single-parent families are taken less care of and thus have feelings of being neglected, discriminated and isolated. The lack of parental love makes them hostile and cynical towards the society.A. young couple who get divorced
B. crimes committed by young people
C. people getting married at a young age
D. lack of education opportunities for young people

更多"The increasingly high rates of juve"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The increasingly high rates of juvenile delinquency are a great problem in modem society. More and more people are paying special attention to it.
When it comes to the reasons, here are two of them. Modem youth are more revolutionary and more independent than the elder generation. When this tendency goes to an extreme, problems arise. Some of the young want to throw away all the traditional principles and beliefs, most of which are very good for self-cultivation. They are reluctant to listen to the advice from elder generation. If they behave in the way, as they like, they might commit crimes without realizing it. Studies also show that juvenile-delinquency rates are twice as high for youngsters from single-parent homes as for those in traditional households. Children in single-parent families are taken less care of and thus have feelings of being neglected, discriminated and isolated. The lack of parental love makes them hostile and cynical towards the society.
A. young couple who get divorced
B. crimes committed by young people
C. people getting married at a young age
D. lack of education opportunities for young people
[单项选择]A. The interest rates are high.
B. The man wants some advice on how to invest.
C. The woman suggests investing money in one place.
D. The woman does not want to help him.
[单项选择]Interest rates are high because money is ______.
A. guaranteed B. variable C. tight
[单项选择]The underclass suffers from relatively high rates of unemployment, alcoholism, drug addiction, illiteracy, juvenile delinquency, and crime. For them, schools have deteriorated, and affordable housing is increasingly difficult to find. Neighborhoods lack adequate police protection, fire services, and shops, as well as hospitals, clinics, and other health-care facilities. Future prospects are especially bleak for the underclass because they are increasingly unable to compete for jobs. Inner-city residents lack the technical skills needed to obtain most jobs, because fewer than half complete high school. The gap between the skills typically demanded by employers and the training of inner-city residents is getting much larger. In the past, people with limited education could become factory workers or filing clerks, but today these jobs require knowledge of computing and handling electronics. Meanwhile, inner-city residents don’t even have access to the remaining low-skilled jobs, such
A. the revival of some North American and European CBDs
B. the problems facing the development of U.S. downtown areas
C. the moving pattern of the U.S. middle class
D. the possible solutions to the fiscal problems


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