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发布时间:2023-10-20 23:15:16

[单项选择]Our civilization cannot be thought of as ______ in a short period of time.
A. to have been created
B. to be created
C. having been created
D. being created

更多"Our civilization cannot be thought "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Our civilization cannot be thought of as()in a short period of time.
A. to have been created
B. to be created
C. having been created
D. being created
[单项选择]Our modem civilization must not be thought of as ( ) in a short period of time.
A. being created
B. to have been created
C. having been created
D. to be created
[填空题]Controlling our physical reactions and our thoughts is an effective means of managing stress.
[单项选择]A. I cannot describe our accountant without drinking some coffee.
B. I have to keep awake during our chief accountant’s briefings.
C. I think our chief accountant’s briefings are really boring.
D. I doubt that our chief accountant will talk with you over coffee.
[单项选择]Part 2We cannot reach our strategic goal unless we carry out reforms and adhere to the open-up policy.This is a pass we must go through.
A. 我们要坚决改善社会治安,治理脏乱环境,创建更多的文明城镇。
B. 我们如不搞改革、不坚持开放政策,我们的战略目标就不可能实现。这 是一个我们必须通过的关。
C. 我们要形成我市独特的经济开发 格局:旅游搭台,经贸唱戏。
D. 我们要鼓励社会力量办学,以调动各办面的办学积极性。
[单项选择]A. We cannot beat our competitors because of a staff shortage.
B. We should be prepared to sign the business contract.
C. We sometimes make a deal with one of our rivals.
D. We are happy to see that our rival has gone bankrupt.

Our boasted civilization is but a thin veneer, which cracks and scares off at the first impact of prima1 passions.()

A. creative
B. traditional
C. uncontrollable
D. original
[单项选择]The ______ of our civilization from an agricultural society to today’s complex industrial world was accompanied by upheaval and, all too often, war.
A. adjustment
B. migration
C. change
D. route
[填空题]We cannot feel speed. But our senses let us know that we are moving. We see things (1) past us, and feel that we are being (2) . We can feel acceleration, an increase in speed. But we notice it for only a short time. For instance, we feel it during the take-off run of an airliner. We feel the plane’s acceleration because our bodies don’t gain speed (3) the plane does. It seems that something is pushing us back (4) the seat. Actually, our bodies are trying to stay in the same place while the plane is carrying us forward. Soon the plane (5) a steady speed. Then, because there is (6) any change in speed, the feeling of forward motion stops.
[单项选择]A. We should spend our money wisely. B. We cannot live without money.
C. We are not slaves of money. D. We should learn to save money.
[填空题]We must ______ our pace; otherwise we cannot catch the 8 o’clock train. (quick)
[单项选择]We cannot be______the choices that our children are going to make, even though we have contributed to those choices.
A. subject to
B. susceptible to
C. accountable for
D. crazy about


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