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发布时间:2024-07-30 20:10:35

[简答题]As worrying, though, is the passenger who can’t hear the instructions to turn off his radio because the music’s too loud.

更多"As worrying, though, is the passeng"的相关试题:

[简答题]As worrying, though, is the passenger who can’t hear the instructions to turn off his radio because the music’s too loud.
[填空题]Who can enter the competitions.
Who can spot the risks

The grand circle that regulators have to square is this: how to establish a framework of regulation that accommodates the characteristics of the traditional specialised banking system and mark it off from other businesses. With the sort of diversified financial services that are actually evolving, the era of strictly compartmentalised financial institutions is passing, leaving the regulatory system designed to match it looking increasingly out of date.Which "circle" do "the regulators have to square" according to paragraph 1
A. To create a regulatory system that controls banks tightly enough.
B. To create a regulatory system that treats banks exactly like other financial institutions.
C. To create a regulatory system which limits financial innovations.
D. To create a regulatory system which provides a special position for banks.
[单项选择]—Who can reach the book on the top shelf
—Jack can. He is ______ boy of us all.
A. taller
B. a tall
C. the tallest
[单项选择]-Who can reach the book on the top shelf
-Jack can. He is ______ boy of us all.
A. taller
B. a tall
C. the tallest
[单项选择]Competent students are those who can see the application of a theory or a concept to a specific () example.
A. empirical
B. academic
C. instinctive
D. impulsive
[填空题]Who can provide the references as to his character and ability ()
[单项选择]The person who can go on the flight quickest is someone with ______.
A. ticket and carry-ons
B. ticket and baggage to check
C. printing boarding pass and carry-ons
D. printing boarding pass and baggage to check
[填空题]The main consumers who can choose to make the most of those urban cultural opportunities or get away at weekends to the countryside will be _________________________and perhaps some "empty nesters".


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