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发布时间:2023-11-16 22:53:36

[单项选择]Interest is steadily spreading from a minority of enthusiasts in developing renewable sources of energy--wind, wave and solar power, tidal and geothermal energy. Additional support for them has come with a proposal to explore the untapped sources of hydroelectric power in Scotland.
The details are presented by Mr. William Manser in a study called "The Case for an Inquiry into Hydroelectric Generation in the North of Scotland". He calls for an expert committee to look at the developments possible for hydroelectric sites and, more important, for means of financing them
There is a clear industrial connection in Mr. Manser’s study because it was done for the Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors; hydroelectric schemes, by definition, have a large civil engineering component in them. Mr. Manser estimates that wind power could theoretically provide more than 7 percent of electricity supply in the United Kingdom if suitable sites for generators could be found. However, the pra
A. It has attracted the least concern.
B. It has never been utilized before
C. It has aroused attention only recently.
D. It is the last renewable energy to develop.

更多"Interest is steadily spreading from"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Interest is steadily spreading from a minority of enthusiasts in developing renewable sources of energy--wind, wave and solar power, tidal and geothermal energy. Additional support for them has come with a proposal to explore the untapped sources of hydro-electric power in Scotland.
The details are provided by Mr. William Manser in a study provided for an expert committee to look at the developments possible for hydro-electric sites and, more important, for means of financing them.
There is a clear industrial connection in Mr. Manser’s study because it was done for the Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors; hydro-electric schemes, by definition, have a large civil engineering component in them. Mr. Manser estimates that wind power could theoretically provide more than 7 percent of electricity supply in the United Kingdom, provided suitable sites for generators could be found. However, the practical viability of wind power generation is not likely to be understood until
[单项选择]{{B}}Text 2{{/B}}
Interest is steadily spreading from a minority of enthusiasts in developing renewable sources of energy--wind, wave and solar power, tidal and geothermal energy. Additional support for them has come with a proposal to explore the untapped sources of hydro-electric power in Scotland.
The details are provided by Mr. William Manser in a study provided for an expert committee to look at the developments possible for hydro-electric sites and, more important, for means of financing them.
There is a clear industrial connection in Mr. Manser’s study because it was done for the Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors; hydro-electric schemes, by definition, have a large civil engineering component in them. Mr. Manser estimates that wind power could theoretically provide more than 7 percent of electricity supply in the United
A. conservation of energy.
B. high costs of energy sources.
C. recycling of resources.
D. energy generated by water power.
[填空题]Bicycle sales decreased steadily from 1998 to 2000
[填空题]Sales increased steadily from 1998 to 2000.

[填空题]Profits rose steadily from August to October.


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