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发布时间:2024-07-29 05:07:05

[多项选择]Title: On Overseas Study
1) In recent years, an increasing number of Chinese people have chosen to study abroad.
2) Some think studying abroad is the best choice for personal development while others believe they have better prospects at home.
3) In my opinion, it is a good choice that Chinese people do an over-seas study.

更多"Title: On Overseas Study 1) In rec"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Children as young as four will study Shakespeare in a project being launched today by the Royal Shakespeare Company.
The RSC is holding its first national conference for primary school teachers to encourage them to use the Bard’s plays imaginatively in the classroom from reception classes onwards. The conference will be told that they should learn how Shakespearian characters like Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, are "jolly characters" and how to write about them.
At present, the national curriculum does not require pupils to approach Shakespeare until secondary school. All it says is that pupils should study " texts drawn from a variety of cultures and traditions" and "myths, legends and traditional stories".
However, educationists at the RSC believe children will gain a better appreciation of Shakespeare if they are introduced to him at a much younger age. "Even very young children can enjoy Shakespeare’s plays," said Mary Johnson, head of the learning depar
A. How to give pupils a flavour of Shakespeare drama.
B. The fun of reading Shakespeare.
C. RSC project will teach children how to write on Shakespeare.
D. RSC project will help four-year-old children find the fun in Shakespeare.
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[填空题]Dear Sirs,
For the past eight years I have been a statistician(统计员)in the Research Unit of Baron& Smallwood Ltd. I am now looking for a change of employment which would broaden my experience. A large and well-known organization such as yours might be able to use my services
I am 31 years old and in excellent health. I majored in advertising at London Universit and I am particularly interested in work involving statistics(统计).
Although I have had no experience in market research, I am familiar with the methods used for recording buying habits and trends. I hope that you will invite me for an interview.I could then give you further information.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Mike Smith

What’s Mike Smith’s present job
He’s working as a __________________ .
[简答题]For five years I have maintained our nation’s solid commitment to scientific research and technological development, because I believe they’re essential to our nation’s economic growth and to building the right kind of bridge to the 21st century. The balanced budget I will submit in just a few weeks to Congress reflects this continued commitment. And, in my upcoming State of the Union Address, I’ll talk more about what we arc doing to keep America on the cutting edge of the scientific and technological advancements that are driving our new global economy. Still, it’s good to remember that scientific advancement does not occur in a moral vacuum. Technological developments divorced from values will not bring us one step closer to meeting the challenges or reaping the benefits of the 21st century. This week, like many Americans, I learned the profoundly troubling news that a member of the scientific community is actually laying plans to clone a human being. Personally, I believe t
[填空题]I study hard in order to pass the exam.
I study hard in order______ ______ ______ pass the exam.

[填空题]He began to study English six years ago. He has studied English ______.


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