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发布时间:2023-10-12 22:20:58

[填空题](promote) ______ his product, the company made a great deal of advertisements on TV.

更多"(promote) ______ his product, the c"的相关试题:

[填空题](promote) ______ his product, the company made a great deal of advertisements on TV.

[单项选择]What mistake does the man say his company made
A. It charged no licensing fee.
B. It neglected product design.
C. It ignored negotiating skills.
D. It did all the manufacturing itself.
[单项选择]When Julius Caesar made his triumphal entrance into Rome in 45 BC, he celebrated by giving a feast at which thousands of guests ate gorged (狼吞虎咽) poultry, seafood and game. Similar celebrations featuring excessive consumption of animal flesh have marked human victories-in war, sport, politics and commerce-since our species learned to control fire. Throughout the developing world today, one of the first things people do as they climb out of poverty is to shift from their peasant diet of mainly grains and beans to one that is rich in pork or beef. Since 1950, per capita consumption of meat around the globe has more doubled.
Meat, it seems, is not just food but reward as well. But in the coming century, that will change. Much as we have awakened to the full economic and social costs of cigarettes, we will find we can no longer subsidize (补助) or ignore the costs of mass-producing cattle, poultry,, pigs, sheep and fish to feed our growing population. These costs include hugely ineffi
A. justifying an assumption
B. giving an example
C. making a comparison
D. explaining a phenomenon
[单项选择]In 1492 Christopher Columbus made his first (voyager) to the New World, (probably) landing (on the) island (which) he named San Salvador.()
A. voyager
B. probably
C. on the
D. which
[单项选择]Text 2
Michael Porter, who has made his name throughout the business community by advocating his theories of competitive advantages, is now swimming into even more shark-infested waters, arguing that competition can save even America’s troubled health-care system, the largest in the world. Mr. Porter argues in "Redefining Health Care" that competition, if properly applied, can also fix what ails this sector.
That is a bold claim, given the horrible state of America’s health-care system. Just consider a few of its failings: America pays more per capita for health care than most countries, but it still has some 45m citizens with no health insurance at all. While a few receive outstanding treatment, he shows in heart-wrenching detail that most do not. The system, wastes huge resources on paperwork, ignores preventive care and, above all, has p
A. American spends more money on health care than on other services.
B. Most Americans couldn’t get their health insurance till their old age.
C. Most American hospitals do not offer outstanding treatment to patients.
D. The costs of health care are not steered towards a health direction.
[单项选择]The strong accent of the lecturer made his lecture more difficult ( ).
A. taken in
B. taking in
C. to take in
D. to be taken in
[填空题]His (absent) ______ in the meeting made his boss very angry.


Michael Porter, who has made his name throughout the business community by advocating his theories of competitive advantages, is now swimming into even more shark-infested waters, arguing that competition can save even America’s troubled health-care system, the largest in the world. Mr. Porter argues in " Redefining Health Care" that competition, if properly applied, can also fix what ails this sector.
That is a bold claim, given the horrible state of America’s health-care system. Just consider a few of its failings: America pays more per capita for health care than most countries, but it still has some 45m citizens with no health insurance at all. While a few receive outstanding treatment, he shows in heart-wrenching detail that most do not. The system, wastes huge resources on paperwork, ignores preventive care and, above all, has perverse incentives that encourage shifting costs rather than cutting them outrig
A. More statistics should be publicized
B. Improve a given patient’s health condition
C. More advanced techno-fixes should be offered
D. Improve the entire cycle of treatment


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