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发布时间:2023-10-21 18:10:44


Women who drank three or more cups of coffee a day were 30 percent less likely to have memory decline at age 65 than whose who drank one cup or less daily. And the benefit increased with age. Women over age 80 who drank three or more cups of coffee a day were about 70 percent less likely to have memory decline than those who drank one cup or less, the researchers said.
Caffeinated tea had the same effect in the women, the study found, although more was needed to get the same caffeine boost. "Count roughly two cups of tea for a cup of coffee," said study leader Karen Ritchie of INSERM, the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research.
But the researchers didn’t find a similarly protective effect in men, although other studies have found a benefit to males.
How might caffeine help ward off cognitive decline "It is a cognitive stimulant," said Ritchie. It also helps to reduce levels of the protein called beta amyloid in
A. The older the woman was, the more remarkable her memory was.
B. The more coffee the woman drank, the more slowly her memory declined.
C. The older the woman was, the more slowly her memory declined.
D. The more coffee the woman drank, the more remarkable her memory was.

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Women who drank three or more cups of coffee a day were 30 percent less likely to have memory decline at age 65 than whose who drank one cup or less daily. And the benefit increased with age. Women over age 80 who drank three or more cups of coffee a day were about 70 percent less likely to have memory decline than those who drank one cup or less, the researchers said.
Caffeinated tea had the same effect in the women, the study found, although more was needed to get the same caffeine boost. "Count roughly two cups of tea for a cup of coffee," said study leader Karen Ritchie of INSERM, the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research.
But the researchers didn’t find a similarly protective effect in men, although other studies have found a benefit to males.
How might caffeine help ward off cognitive decline "It is a cognitive stimulant," said Ritchie. It also helps to reduce levels of the protein called beta amyloid in
A. It affected women’s memory in the same manner as coffee.
B. It influenced women’s memory as effectively as coffee.
C. It boosted women’s memory in the same rate as coffee.
D. It contained the same amount of caffeine as coffee.


W: How many more cups should we get for the picnic
M: Don’t we have enough by now

What does the man imply ( )
A. We should get more cups.
B. We have too many cups,
C. He doesn’t know how many cups they have.
[单项选择]Passage Three The men who planned and constructed the first American railroads were men of great vision. They predicted that their “iron horses” would open vast expanses of land to farming and industry. They knew that towns would spring up along the new railroads. Yet few of these pioneers could have guessed that American railroads would establish the system of time used throughout most of the world today. Until the 1880s, all time in the United States was sun time. Farmers set their clocks to noon when the sun appeared to be overhead. In towns, people set their clocks by a courthouse clock or factory whistles. One town’s time was often different from the time in a neighboring town. As the new railroads expanded, large numbers of people began to travel. But the railroads were unable to print accurate timetables when most towns along their tracks have their clocks set differently. There was need for a change, and the railroads led in planning it. In 1883, rai
A. Farmers set their clocks according to the factory whistles
B. The correct time was not too important before the 1800s
C. Only people who traveled on trains ever knew time
D. A standard system was set up by the pioneers
[单项选择]Passage Three
A child who has once been pleased with a tale likes, as a rule, to have it retold in identically the same words, but this should not lead parents to treat printed fairy stories as sacred texts. It is always much better to tell a story than read it out of a book, and if a parent can produce what, in the actual circumstances of the time and the individual child, is an improvement on the printed test, so much the better.
A charge made against fairy tales is that they harm the child by frightening him or arousing his sadistic impulses. To prove the latter, one would have to show in a controlled experiment that children who have read fairy stories were more often g0.ilty of cruelty than those who had not. Every child has aggressive, destructive, sadistic impulses and, on the whole, their symbolic verbal discharge seems to be rather
A. repeated without variation
B. treated with reverence
C. adapted by the parent
D. set in the present
How much does it cost to buy three pairs of cups


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