M: Will you please fix the button for me, dear
W: Oh, I am so busy now. I have to prepare the breakfast for the children. Their school bus will be here at 7:30.
We lost two superstars in 1977. Neither man’s admirers have been able to understand the success of the other one. And this tells us something of the difference between the generations that the two singers represent.
There were similarities between Bing Crosby and Elvis Presley. Both reached fame while young and became very rich. Although neither one had any musical education, both developed their own musical styles, which were at first criticized by the critics and later studied as new forms in the art of popular song. Both men had successful movie careers despite a total lack of acting ability.
Both were creations of the microphone, which made it possible for singers with weak voices to be heard beyond the third row. With Bing the microphone was usually hidden; but Elvis brought it to the stage.
The difference between the two men reflects the changing values in American life. Crosby’s music was soothing(令人舒畅的); Presley’s was disturbing.
A. They died in the same year.
B. They became popular in 1977.
C. They influenced each other in music.
D. They represented the postwar generation.
{{B}}Geography and Movement{{/B}} To understand how astrology works, we should first take a quick look at the sky. Although the stars are at enormous distances, they do indeed give the impression of being affixed to the inner surface of a great hollow sphere surrounding the earth. Ancient people, in fact, literally believed in the existence of such a celestial sphere. As the earth spins on its axis, the celestial sphere appears to turn about us each day, pivoting at points on a line with the earth’s axis of rotation. This daily turning of the sphere carries the stars around the sky, causing most of them to rise and set, but they, and constellations they define, maintains fixed patterns on the sphere, just as the continent of Australian maintains its shape on a spinning globe of the ea A. always appear near the path of the sun B. are moving in a way more complicated than the earth does C. aren’t moving around the sun as independently as the earth does D. are moving around the sun at the same speed as the earth does [单选题]未安装雪深监测子系统的区段或雪深监测子系统故障时,()部门根据降雪情况和需要,在调度所《行车设备检查登记簿》内登记限速申请。
A.工务 B.调度 C.工务、电务 D.电务 [单项选择]火口和炉条摆放太靠前.大量热量传给墙壁,造成()。
A. 炉门窜火倒烟 B. 烤房升温不灵 C. 通风排湿不畅 D. 不能保湿 [单项选择]上海市数字证书认证中心的个人安全电子邮件数字证书正式版的使用有效期限为()年。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [单项选择]服务级别管理的主要目标在于,根据客户的业务需求和相关的成本预算,指定恰当的服务级别目标,并将其以( )的形式确定下来。
A. 服务级别协议 B. 规章制度 C. 服务条款 D. 法规 [单项选择]We can infer from the passage that in the early 1930s ______.
A. Gallup was a famous journalist B. the Literary Digest liked to break records C. the Literary Digest was the biggest monthly in America D. D ) the method of the Literary Digest was popular and well-received [判断题]旅客票价里程,按旅客乘车的实际径路计算。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据《建设工程质量管理条例》,建设工程发包单位( )。
A.不得迫使承包方以低于成本的价格竞标,不得压缩合同约定的工期 B.不得迫使承包方以低于成本的价格竞标,不得任意压缩合理工期 C.不得暗示承包方以低于成本的价格竞标,不得压缩合同约定的工期 D.不得暗示承包方以低于成本的价格竞标,不得任意压缩合理工期 [单选题]5.71.第71题
一条长50m的电缆,沿斜面敷设,已知直线距离为30m,斜坡距离为20m,坡度为10°,电缆质量为9.1kg/m,摩擦因数为0.2,则该段电缆牵引力为(____)N。 A.3365 B.3008 C.2554 D.2505 [单选题]电气化区段站停不冲洗车皮,严禁<___>作业。( )
A.清扫 B.擦抹 C.攀登车顶 D.检查方向牌 [填空题]现场防护员不掌握<--NRC-->,盲目跟随施工作业人员防护。
[填空题]( )是为一些大型航空公司的机组人员和乘客所使用。
A. 可以辞退 B. 应当调离原岗位并予以妥善安排 C. 勒令辞职 D. 应当给予生活补贴 [单选题]混凝土立方体抗压强度 fcu、轴心压强度 fcp、抗拉强度 fst,它们的关系是( )。
A.fcu > fcp > fst B.fcp < fcu < fst C.fst < fcu < fcp D.fcp< fst < fcu [判断题]残液汽化器投用时,应根据残液排放量大小控制蒸汽量大小
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]校正有效温度是通过下列哪一项测得的热感觉指标()
A. 干球温度、相对湿度、风速 B. 湿球温度、相对湿度、风速 C. 黑球温度、相对湿度、风速 D. 干球温度、绝对湿度、风速 E. 黑球温度、绝对湿度、风速 [单选题]1 "设置在居住建筑内可燃气体探测器位置距灶具及排风口的水平距离均应大于( )。
A.30cm B.40cm C.50cm D.60cm" 我来回答: 提交