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发布时间:2024-08-09 01:05:31


Conversation 1
[听力原文] 6-7
W: Hello. How was your vacation
M: It was great. A whole week at the seaside, swimming in the sun. I feel completely relaxed.
W: (6)How I envy you! Do you know what I was doing when you were enjoying your life
M: (7)Working as usual.
W: Right. And I was also asked to do some of your work.
M: I’m sorry. They should have waited for me to come back.
W: Don’t worry. Go to your desk and you’ll find lots of e-mails waiting for you.
M: Oh, it’s terrible, so many!
W: Well, it’s really hard for you to make up for the lost time.
M: Yeah, I agree.

What is the woman’s attitude towards the man’s enjoying a holiday()
A. She disliked him.
B. She laughed at him.
C. She envied him.
D. She felt depresse

更多"Conversation 1 [听力原文] 6-7 W: He"的相关试题:


Conversation 1
[听力原文] 6-7
W: Hello. How was your vacation
M: It was great. A whole week at the seaside, swimming in the sun. I feel completely relaxed.
W: (6)How I envy you! Do you know what I was doing when you were enjoying your life
M: (7)Working as usual.
W: Right. And I was also asked to do some of your work.
M: I’m sorry. They should have waited for me to come back.
W: Don’t worry. Go to your desk and you’ll find lots of e-mails waiting for you.
M: Oh, it’s terrible, so many!
W: Well, it’s really hard for you to make up for the lost time.
M: Yeah, I agree.

What is the woman’s attitude towards the man’s enjoying a holiday()
A. She disliked him.
B. She laughed at him.
C. She envied him.
D. She felt depresse

Conversation 1
W: How are you getting on, White Are you still working for the Merry Lynch Bank
M: Yes, Kitty, that’s right.
W: I suppose you know quite a lot about banking by now, don’t you
M: Oh, yes. To tell you the truth I’m a bit tired of it.
W: Really Isn’t it good to work in a bank
M: You know I’ve been working for the Merry Lynch Bank for over 15 years.
W: So you are thinking of making a change, are you
M: Yes, I am. Actually, you know, I’m thinking of beginning my own business.
W: That sounds great.
M: Yes, I think it over, but the problem is money. If I had enough money. I’d leave the bank tomorrow.
W: What ale you going to do to solve the problem
M: I’ll borrow some money from a bank, of course, but not from the one I’ve been working for.

How does White like his work()
A. He is interested in his work.
B. He is proud of his work.
C. He is tired of his work.
D. He is keen on his work.

Conversation 2
W: Good evening. How many of you are there
M: There are three of us. We’d like a table for three.
W: This way, please.
M: May I have a menu, please
W: Here you are.
M: Yes, I’ll have this steak.
W: How do you want your steak: rare, or well done
M: Rare, please.
W: What would you like to drink
M: Coffee.
W: And what would you like for dessert
M: Ice cream.
W: What kind of ice cream do you like
M: Strawberry.

What would the man like to drink()
A. Milk.
B. Tea.
C. Pure water.
D. Coffe

Conversation 1
W: Hello. How was your vacation
M: It was great. A whole week at the seaside, swimming in the sum I feel completely relaxed.
W: (6) How I envy you! Do you know what I was doing when you were enjoying your life
M: (7) Working as usual.
W: Right. And I was also asked to do some of your work.
M: I’m sorry. They should have waited for me to come back.
W: Don’t worry. Go to your desk and you’ll find lots of e-mails waiting for you.
M: Oh, it’s terrible, so many!
W: Well, it’s really hard for you to make up for the lost time.
M: Yeah, I agree.

What is the woman’s attitude towards the man’s enjoying a holiday()
A. She disliked him.
B. She laughed at him.
C. She envied him.
D. She felt depresse

Conversation 1
W: Hi! How are you
M: Oh, I’m not very well
W: Really What’s the matter
M: Well, I have a had stomachache. I think I ate too many peppers for lunch.
W: Oh, that’s too bad. Maybe you shouldn’t eat much spicy food.
M: Maybe you are right.
W: You should see a doctor right now.
M: Yes. But I will have a speech at 9:30.
W: Oh, let me give you some medicine.
M: Really Do you have That’s wonderful.
W: Yes, take some medicine and you will feel a little better.
M: Hmm. Thank you.

What’s wrong with the man()
A. Toothache.
B. Pain in chest.
C. Having a cold.
D. Stomachach


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