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发布时间:2023-10-21 20:39:06


W: Excuse me, where can I find a department store
M: Sorry, I can’t help you. I’m not familiar with this area.

What does the man mean()
A. He has no time to tell her how to get there.
B. He cannot tell her.
C. He doesn’t know where to find the department store.
D. There is no department store in the region.

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W: Excuse me, where can I find a department store
M: Sorry, I can’t help you. I’m not familiar with this area.

What does the man mean()
A. He has no time to tell her how to get there.
B. He cannot tell her.
C. He doesn’t know where to find the department store.
D. There is no department store in the region.

Woman: Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest post office is
Man: Yes, it’s on High Street. As a matter of fact, I’m going in the same direction myself, so if you come with me, I’ll show you.

What does the man mean ()
A. He will give her the direction.
B. He is inviting her to follow him.
C. He doesn’t know how to get there.
D. He’s too busy to tell her anythin

M: Excuse me, can you tell me where the bookstore is
W: Yes. They are just down this street on the left side.

What does the man want to do ()
A. Make a call.
B. Have a rest.
C. Buy a book.
D. Look for something.

M: Can you find London street for me on the map
W: Sorry, the map is too old to see.

Why couldn’t the woman find the place for the man ()
A. The map is not good enough.
B. The map is too old.
C. She wouldn’t like to help the man.
D. The man can find it himself.

W: Can you tell me where the post office is
M: I’m on my way. there myself. I’ll show you the way.

Where is the woman going ()
A. To the post office.
B. To a fashion show.
C. To a shopping center,
D. To her office nearby.

M: Excuse me, where could I find rice
W: The regular-priced is here, and we have some on sale over there.

Where does this conversation probably take place()
A. In a supermarket.
B. In a library.
C. In a furniture store.
D. In a restaurant.

M: Can you tell me where the woman’s departments
W: Yes. It’s on the second floor.

Where are the speakers most probably ()
A. In a bank.
B. In a market.
C. In a party.
D. In a store.

M: Excuse me, I need to find out where the city centre is.
W: Ah well, let me see.., you turn left and then go straight on.
M: Ah left, thank you. Er... I wonder if you could tell me whether them’ s a museum somewhere in the city.
W: Well, it’s further down the city centre. You go across the bridge and it’s on the other side of the river.
M: I see. Could you tell me a bit more about it
W: I’m not really sure. I’ve never been there myself. I think it’s quite interesting.
M: Worth visiting, you think
W: Well, it’s one of the tourist attractions of the city.
M: I see. Thank you very much.

Who do you think the man is()
A. A native of the city.
B. A stranger to the place.
C. A visitor to the woman’s family.
D. An old friend of the woman.


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