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发布时间:2023-10-01 01:42:01

[单项选择]A. Because they came to America from the Netherlands.
B. Because they spoke Dutch.
C. Because Deutsch sounded like Dutch.
D. Because Deutsch was the full spelling of Dutch.

更多"A. Because they came to America fro"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A. Because they came to America from the Netherlands.
B. Because they spoke Dutch.
C. Because Deutsch sounded like Dutch.
D. Because Deutsch was the full spelling of Dutch.
[单项选择]Most of the earliest ______ into America came from Europe.
A. migrants
B. emigrants
C. immigrants
D. inhabitants
[单项选择]The first people to inhabit North America came from Asia. Scientists had hypothesized that these people traveled across a now-submerged landmass that connected the two continents until 14,000 years ago, depending for food only on the land animals they hunted as they traveled. Recent discoveries have led to the new hypothesis that the first people came by boat along the southern shore of the landmass, eating fish and sea mammals.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the new hypothesis by casting doubt on the earlier hypothesis
A. The landmass connecting North America and Asia extended very far to the north.
B. In Europe, maritime cultures primarily dependent on the sea for food developed no earlier than 10,000 years ago.
C. People living in Asia at the time the two continents were connected hunted land animals for food.
D. The landmass was so bitterly cold that its vegetation would have been too sparse to support land animals.
E. (E) Sophisticated and mature North American and Asian cultures that display great similarities to each other existed as far back as 8,000 years ago.
[填空题]We called him our Christmas Boy because he came to us during that season of joy, _____________(当时他生下来才六天).

[单项选择]The epic is possible because America is an idea as much as it is a country. America has nothing to do with allegiance to a dynasty and very little to do with allegiance to a particular place, but everything to do with allegiance to a set of principles.( )
A. conviction
B. loyalty
C. conversion
D. component
[单项选择] The illegal emigrants came from
A. Italy.
B. Africa.
C. the Mediterranean region.
D. places unknown.
[单项选择]The Declaration of Independence came from the theory of British philosopher
A. Paul Revere.
B. John Locke.
C. Charles Cornwallis.
D. Frederick Douglass.
[单项选择]John Nikolakis came from a privileged family. Few would have predicted that last September, at the age of 36, he would be alone in a dark, cold Louisiana apartment--all the utilities were cut off because he couldn’t pay for them--dead broke and writing suicide notes. He was on probation (缓刑) for having embezzled nearly $ 80,000 from his former employer. His entire adult life had been consumed by the intoxication and compulsion of gambling away hundreds of thousands of dollars on everything from online poker to sports. He lost two good jobs, one girlfriend, and 17 years of his life. "This gambling crap has cost me everything," he says. "It cost me my pride, my honesty, and the biggest thing it cost was the relationships of people who cared for me."
His story, with as many variations as there are individuals, illustrates the trajectory of most pathological (病理的) gamblers: a period of exhilaration and great windfalls--punctuated by a little dishonesty here and there--ending in mise
A. explain what is pathological gambling
B. show how miserable the gambler is
C. illustrate the path of a pathological gambler
D. warn people away from gambling

I came from a family where social status were considered more than anything else.
[填空题]Where did Cathy come from She came from ______.


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