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发布时间:2023-10-22 05:38:54

[单项选择]How are you feeling now Should I send ______ the doctor
[A] for [B] to [C] with [D] off

更多"How are you feeling now Should I se"的相关试题:

[单项选择]How are you feeling now Shall I send( )the doctor
A. off
B. to
C. with
D. for
[单项选择]20. How are you feeling now Shall I send ______ the doctor
[A] off [B] to [C] with [D] for
[单项选择]W: Hello, John. How are you feeling now I hear you’ve been ill.
M: They must have confused me with my twin brother Rod. He’s been sick all week, but I’ve never felt better in my life.
Q: What do we learn about the man( ).
A. He is taking care of his twin brother.
B. He has been feeling ill all week.
C. He is worried about Rod’s health.
D. He has been in perfect condition.

W: Hi, Mike! How are you feeling now
M: How did you know I was here in the hospital Is it Tom
W: I was talking with Bob yesterday and I learnt your right leg had been injured. How did it happen
M: Their right back Tom knocked me down when I rushed to their goal with the ball.
W: Wow! He must have hit you hard.
M: Of course. He hit me from the back and sent me rolling over here and there. At the time I had a lot of pain. Anyway, they brought me to the hospital.
W: Nothing serious, I hope.
M: The doctor said there weren’t any internal injuries, but I’d better stay here a couple of days.
W: Well, Mike. Take it easy.
M: Thank you for your coming. And thanks for the flowers.

What were they mainly talking about( ).
A. Mike was knocked down in the street.
B. Mike got injured in a match.
C. Mike had to stay in hospital.
[单项选择]—How are you feeling now
—( ).
A. Very interesting
B. Much better
C. Never mind
D. Thank you very much
[单项选择]Mary: Hello, John. How are you feeling now Somebody said you had been sick.
A. Hello, Mary. They must have had me confused with my brother, George. He has been sick all week. I have never felt better in my life.
B. Hello, Mary. Who’ s sick How can I be sick I’ m as strong as a horse. They must have gone mad.
C. Hello, Mary. How are. you
D. Hello, Mary. I’ m quite happy. My wife has fallen iii. And, how about you
[填空题]If someone asks you how you can make you always 76. ______
happy you will perhaps find rather difficult to give him 77. ______
a proper answer. Did you remember the old saying "No 78. ______
human being can really happy who is not giving or trying 79. ______
to give happiness to others" If you will always think of 80. ______
taking more from others and give them less, you won’t be 81. ______
able to have happiness in your life even you are very rich. 82. ______
Here’s an article for you. If each of you follow it, there 83. ______
will be an end of many unhappy days of yours. So you should 84. ______
learn to give up your own interests when necessarily to do so. 85. ______


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