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发布时间:2024-05-31 06:32:53


M: Hello, Mrs. Tailor, is Peter there
W: No. He is out on his bicycle at the moment.
M: Oh! Can he go swimming this afternoon
W: Sorry, Jack. He’s got a basketball match this afternoon.

Where does the conversation take place()
A. On the phone.
B. In the street.
C. In a restaurant.

更多"M: Hello, Mrs. Tailor, is Peter the"的相关试题:


M: Hello, Mrs. Tailor, is Peter there
W: No. He is out on his bicycle at the moment.
M: Oh! Can he go swimming this afternoon
W: Sorry, Jack. He’s got a basketball match this afternoon.

What is Peter going to do this afternoon()
A. Ride bicycle.
B. Go to swimming.
C. Take part in a basketball match.
[单项选择]Where might Peter he
A. At the playground.
B. In Rose’s office.
C. In the reading room.

M: Can I speak to Peter Schmidt
W: He went out about an hour ago. Can I take a message
M: Yes. This is Global Travel. Could you tell him his ticket’s ready
W: OK. I’ll do that.

What do we know about Peter Schmidt( ).
A. He has lost his ticket.
B. He is expecting a ticket.
C. He went out to buy a ticket.

M: Can I speak to Peter
W: He went out about an hour ago. Can 1 take a message
M: Yes, this is Globe Travel. Could you tell him his ticket is ready
W: OK, I’ll do that.

What do we know about Peter( ).
A. He has lost his ticket.
B. He is expecting a ticket.
C. He went out to buy a ticket.
[单项选择]Where was Peter when he finished school

W: Do you know when Jim comes back home
M: He was supposed to arrive this weekend,but actually he’s coming the day after tomorrow.

What time will Jim come back ()
A. This weekend.
B. In two days’ time.
C. The day before yesterday.
D. Tomorrow.
[单项选择]When Peter got home he fell so tired that he was in no mood for preparing the report
A. 当彼得回到家时他已经筋疲力尽了,根本没有精力去做报告。
B. 彼得回到家后觉得很累,对准备报告一片空白。
C. 当彼得回到家里他感到很累,根本没有心情去准备那份报告。
D. 彼得不想在报告中提到他回家时感到很累的问题。

M: John is a sports fan, isn’t he
W: He always gets excited whenever it comes to football.

What do you know about John()
A. John likes all sports except football.
B. John thinks football is an exciting game.
C. John likes football best.
D. John gets excited when he plays football.
[填空题]Where did he meet his friend Peters. He met Peter ______ .

M: Jack says he likes to dance.
W: But he doesn’t do it often, does he

What does the woman think about Jack( ).
A. He dances very well.
B. He might not really like dancing.
C. He enjoys watching people dance.

W: Has Bob moved yet
M: Yes, he moved out last weekend.
W: I wonder if he’ s paying more for rent now.
M: I don’ t have the faintest idea.

What does the man mean()
A. He refuses to answer the woman’s question.
B. He is pretty sure that Bob is paying more for rent.
C. He doesn’ t know where Bob moved to.
D. He doesn’t know about the rent of Bob’s new house.
[单项选择]A. He will contact Peter directly.
B. He doesn’t believe Peter will attend school this term.
C. He and Peter are not interested in grades.
D. He already knows about Peter’s grades.

M: Hello, may I speak to Peter
W: Sorry, he’s out. May I take a message for him

Where are the two speakers talking ()
A. On a bus.
B. In the office over the telephone.
C. On the train.
D. In the street.

M: Hello, may I speak to Peter
W: Sorry, he’s out. May I take a message for him

Where are the two speakers talking()
A. On a bus.
B. In the office over the telephone.
C. On the train.
D. In the street.


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