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发布时间:2024-09-12 05:44:36

[单项选择] Recently housing is recognized as a "socially determinant variable". In France, housing is the main item of expenditure in the family budget ( accounting for an average of 29 percent), and many families would be unable to find decent housing without help from the State. For a long time, the main problem was the housing shortage but in recent years the deterioration of housing conditions has been giving even greater cause for concern. Despite extensive construction programs, the problem of housing for the most underprivileged population groups has not been solved. According to the so-called Petrequin Report, between 2 and 3 million families had serious difficulties meeting their housing costs and were living in precarious and uncomfortable conditions. Policies designed to address the housing problem have shifted over the past few decades from a macroeconomic approach promoting construction to housing subsidies. The reasons for this shift agree with the determination to lim
A. a problem solved only by the society and not by individuals
B. invariable and unchangeable
C. not determined by the society
D. socially determinant and changeable

更多"Recently housing is recognized as a"的相关试题:

[单项选择] Recently housing is recognized as a "socially determinant variable". In France, housing is the main item of expenditure in the family budget ( accounting for an average of 29 percent), and many families would be unable to find decent housing without help from the State. For a long time, the main problem was the housing shortage but in recent years the deterioration of housing conditions has been giving even greater cause for concern. Despite extensive construction programs, the problem of housing for the most underprivileged population groups has not been solved. According to the so-called Petrequin Report, between 2 and 3 million families had serious difficulties meeting their housing costs and were living in precarious and uncomfortable conditions. Policies designed to address the housing problem have shifted over the past few decades from a macroeconomic approach promoting construction to housing subsidies. The reasons for this shift agree with the determination to lim
A. the housing shortage and the housing deprivation in Belgium
B. the deterioration of housing conditions
C. the government’’s macroeconomic and microeconomic policies
D. how to buy their own houses by the aid of the government
[单项选择]Housing is recognized as a "socially determinant variable". In France, housing is the main item of expenditure in the family budget (accounting for an average of 29 percent), and many families would be unable to find decent housing without some help from the State. For a long time, the main problem was the housing shortage but in recent years the deterioration of housing conditions has been giving even greater cause for concern.
Despite extensive construction programs, the problem of housing for the most underprivileged population groups has not been solved. According to a recent report, between 2 and 3 million families had serious difficulties meeting their housing costs and were living in precarious and uncomfortable conditions.
Policies designed to address the housing problem have shifted over the past few decades from a macro-economic approach promoting construction to housing subsidies. The reasons for this shift can be traced to a determination to limit public spend
A. is a problem that can be solved socially
B. is a heavy burden for most underprivileged families
C. is a widespread problem in some European countries.
D. changes with social conditions.
Directions: Read the following passages and determine whether the sentences are "Right" or "Wrong". If there is not enough information to answer "Right" or "Wrong", choose "Doesn’t say".
{{B}}Passage One{{/B}}
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