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发布时间:2024-02-27 05:30:45

[单项选择]Passage Four
Today the average worker is paid less than $ 4 an hour in Portugal and $ 9 an hour in Spain, compared with $13 in Germany and almost $16 in Denmark. Taking accounts of non-wage costs, such as employer’s social-security contributions, the gap is wider still: from $ 6 in Portugal to $ 24 in Germany. With the EC’s single market knocking down barriers in intra-European trade, no wonder German companies now seem keener on sunnier climes. But how long will southern Europe’s cost advantage last
Conventional wisdom argues that greater economic integration within the single market, and later under a single currency, will cause wages to converge. Increased labor mobility, for example, should allow worker to move from low-wage to high-wage economics. Increased trade and cross-border investment should also push labor costs closer.
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[单项选择]Passage Four
Today the average worker is paid less than $ 4 an hour in Portugal and $ 9 an hour in Spain, compared with $13 in Germany and almost $16 in Denmark. Taking accounts of non-wage costs, such as employer’s social-security contributions, the gap is wider still: from $ 6 in Portugal to $ 24 in Germany. With the EC’s single market knocking down barriers in intra-European trade, no wonder German companies now seem keener on sunnier climes. But how long will southern Europe’s cost advantage last
Conventional wisdom argues that greater economic integration within the single market, and later under a single currency, will cause wages to converge. Increased labor mobility, for example, should allow worker to move from low-wage to high-wage economics. Increased trade and cross-border investment should also push labor costs closer.
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A. decreased trade and cross-border investment push the labor costs lower
B. labor mobility and the easiness of communicating allow worker to migrate
C. the pace of convergence is seemingly stepping up at a higher rate
D. the southern Europe’s cost advantage will last for a while

Passage Four
Americans today don’t place a very high value on intellect. Our heroes are athletes, entertainers, and entrepreneurs, not scholars. Even our schools are where we send our children to get a practical education-not to pursue knowledge for the sake of knowledge. Symptoms of pervasive anti-intellectualism in our schools aren’t difficult to find.
"Schools have always been in a society where practical is more important than intellectual," says education writer Diane Ravitch. "Schools could be a counterbalance." Razitch’s latest bock, Left Back: A Century of Failed School Reforms, traces the roots of anti-intellectualism in our schools, concluding they are anything but a counterbalance to the American distaste for intellectual pursuits.
But they could and should be. Encouraging kids to reject the life of the mind leaves them vulnerable to exploitation and control. Without the ability to think critically, t
A. The habit of thinking independently.
B. Profound knowledge of the world.
C. Practical abilities for future career.
D. The confidence in intellectual pursuits.

[单项选择]Passage Four
Today, the Indianapolis 500, one of the world’s most famous car races, takes about four hours to run. If the Indy 500 had been held in 1895, it would have taken almost three days. The horseless carriage had just been invented a short time before. Top speeds back then were much lower than they are today. For most people, just seeing a car move without a horse pulling it was thrilling enough. The driver’s main concern was making sure the car didn’t break down.
One of the first car races was held in Chicago on Thanksgiving Day in 1895. Folks crowded the streets to gawk at the new machines. The route of the race went through the heart of town. The cars were to go out to a nearby suburb and back. The race covered a distance of about 54 miles. That’s less than one-tenth the distance at Indy. The drivers cranked up their engines and p
A. the Indianapolis 500
B. a new kind of car
C. an early auto race
D. the streets of Chicago
[单项选择]Passage 2
There are four basic types of competition in business that form a continuum from pure competition through monopolistic competition and oligopoly (商品供应垄断) to monopoly. At one end of the continuum, pure competition results when every company has a similar product. Companies that deal in commodities such as wheat or corn are often involved in pure competition. In pure competition, it is often the ease and efficiency of distribution that influences purchase.
In contrast, in monopolistic competition, several companies may compete for the sale of items that may be substituted. The classic example of monopolistic competition is coffee and tea. If the price of one is perceived as too high, consumers may begin to purchase the other. Coupons and other discounts (折扣) are often used as part of a marketing strategy to influence sales.
A. a product or service
B. competition
C. revenue
D. oligopoly
[单项选择]Passage Two
There are four basic types of competition in business that form a continuum from pure competition through monopolistic competition and oligopoly (商品供应垄断) to monopoly. At one end of the continuum, pure competition results when every company has a similar product. Companies that deal in commodities such as wheat or corn are often involved in pure competition. In pure competition, it is often the ease and efficiency of distribution that influences purchase.
In contrast, in monopolistic competition several companies may compete for the sale of items that may be substituted. The classic example of monopolistic competition is coffee and tea. If the price of one is perceived as too high, consumers may begin to purchase the other. Coupons and other discounts (折扣) are often used as part of a marketing strategy to influence sales.
A. It is not unusual for all companies to increase prices at the same time.
B. It is common for companies to compete for customers by lowering prices.
C. Customers may lose money when companies have price wars.
D. Prices are lower during price wars, but they are usually higher afterward.


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