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发布时间:2023-10-16 07:52:08


The costs associated with natural disasters are increasing rapidly. As a result, officials in government and industry have focused more attention on disasters and their effects. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy has estimated that disasters cost the country about 1 billion per week. Hurricane Andrew, the Midwest flood of 1993, and the Hanshin earthquake have shown .that individual disasters can cost tens if not hundreds of billions of dollars. This increasing cost has resulted in greater funding from government and industry for the development of technologies related to disaster prediction, and has led to more research into the effective use of predictive information.
The insurance industry has long been aware of the dangers of natural disasters; the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco, California, bankrupted scores of insurance companies. But the industry has focused particular attention on disaster prediction in recent years, as spiraling costs reveal
A. Great loss suffered by commercial companies.
B. The public’s increased attention on disasters.
C. Individual awareness to natural disasters.
D. More funds to support the prediction research.

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The costs associated with natural disasters are increasing rapidly. As a result, officials in government and industry have focused more attention on disasters and their effects. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy has estimated that disasters cost the country about 1 billion per week. Hurricane Andrew, the Midwest flood of 1993, and the Hanshin earthquake have shown .that individual disasters can cost tens if not hundreds of billions of dollars. This increasing cost has resulted in greater funding from government and industry for the development of technologies related to disaster prediction, and has led to more research into the effective use of predictive information.
The insurance industry has long been aware of the dangers of natural disasters; the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco, California, bankrupted scores of insurance companies. But the industry has focused particular attention on disaster prediction in recent years, as spiraling costs reveal
A. 1 billion dollars
B. 8 billion dollars
C. 9 billion dollars
D. 17 billion dollars

[填空题]Global warming may cause some natural disasters such as wild fire and drought to become more severe.

[单项选择]The most serious potential natural disasters in New Zealand are ( ).
A. storms and earthquakes
B. volcanoes and floods
C. earthquakes and volcanoes
D. floods and storms
[单项选择]Natural disasters strike rich countries as well as needy ones, but the trail of devastation they leave behind is usually far greater in poor places. Worse, insurance payouts cover a much larger chunk of the costs of recovery in rich countries than in poor ones, where few individuals or companies take out disaster cover. Most of the burden of financing reconstruction falls on foreign governments and multilateral agencies. It will be no different in Haiti after the earthquake that struck this month.
Developing countries have some options to help them manage the fallout from natural disasters. The World Bank helped the Mexican government raise $290m in October by placing "catastrophe bonds", which pay investors generous yields against the loss of their principal in the event that disaster strikes. Until now such bonds have largely been the preserve of rich-country issuers: in 2009 Munich Re estimates that 80% of issuance was to cover risks in America. But Francis Ghesquiere of
A. the insurance money covers only a small part of its reconstruction costs
B. the insurance payout might be kept by individuals or companies
C. foreign governments can’t offer enough help because of financial burden
D. its government might transfer the burden of recovery of multilateral agencies
Preventing Natural Disasters

You are to write in three parts.
In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.
In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your opinion.
In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, language and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.
[填空题]Natural disasters affect people at all levels. The experience can cause people to feel angry, (26) , and afraid.
Mental health experts are worried about children who experience a (27) event before they are eleven years of age. They say such children are three times more likely to develop (28) problems than those who experience their first tragedy later in life.
Experts say children are better able to deal with a tragedy if parents, friends and other (29) help them understand the experience. They say help should start as soon as possible after the event. Experts (30) a number of suggestions about how to explain a tragedy to children. They say that how adults react to a child’s feelings and questions is important to helping a child feel safe again.
First, experts say parents should try to control their reaction to the tragedy. Parents should remain as (31) as possible. They say children will react to w


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