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发布时间:2024-07-05 18:12:14

[简答题]______ to work one’s way through school.

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[简答题]______ to work one’s way through school.

Can Your Still Work Your Way through College

A. The American Dream refers to the idea that a person has the opportunity to succeed and prosper, despite their economic or social backgrounds, through hard work. But if the rising cost of tuition prohibits students from working through college, Can the American Dream still be obtained
B. Thirty years ago, the cost of tuition was low enough at most public universities that students could pay their way through school by working throughout college. But since the average cost of attendance for all 4-year public universities within a given state rises each year, this is now an almost impossible feat (功绩). 80 percent of students work at least part-time during college. Recently the question of whether or not working your way through school has become a "thing of the past" was raised by Randy Olson, a graduate student at Michigan State University, who decided to investigate the issue at hi
One way of improving one’s writing is to get into the habit of keeping a record of your observations, of storing (46) in a note-book or journal. You should make notes on your experiences and on your (47) of everyday life so that they are preserved. It is sad (48) to be able to retrieve a lost idea that seemed brilliant when it flashed across your (49) , or a forgotten fact that you need to make a point in a argument or to illustrate a conclusion. The journal habit has still (50) value. Just (51) you need to record observations--the material for writing--you need to practice putting thoughts on paper, learning to write is more like learning to ski (52) it is like studying calculus or anthropology. Practice helps you discover ways to improve. Writing down ideas for your own use forces you to examine them. Putting thoughts on paper for someone else to read (53) you to evaluate not (54)


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