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发布时间:2023-10-22 21:19:04

[单项选择] Advances in technology have helped more of the world’’s population live better and longer — and that’’s part of our problem! Better health standards have kept larger numbers of people alive. The world’’s population is now almost four billion and expected to double in twenty-five years. Growing population and slowly rising living standards have increased our need for food at the rate of 30 million tons per year. As a result, the world’’s stockpile of food is declining by about 10 million tons per year. THE RISE AND FALL OF THE GREEN REVOLUTION From the early 1950 until 1972, world food production increased greatly. The Green Revolution extended scientific techniques to agriculture in the form of hybrid seed and poultry, chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and complex irrigation systems. Strains of corn, sorghum, soybeans, wheat, and rice were developed to flourish under particular climate and soil conditions. In the United States, corn production rose to 110 bus
A. the political situation in Ireland
B. the crop shortages experienced in 1972
C. the upheavals in underdeveloped nations
D. the increased use of scientific methods in agriculture

更多"Advances in technology have helped "的相关试题:

[单项选择] Advances in technology have helped more of the world’’s population live better and longer — and that’’s part of our problem! Better health standards have kept larger numbers of people alive. The world’’s population is now almost four billion and expected to double in twenty-five years. Growing population and slowly rising living standards have increased our need for food at the rate of 30 million tons per year. As a result, the world’’s stockpile of food is declining by about 10 million tons per year. THE RISE AND FALL OF THE GREEN REVOLUTION From the early 1950 until 1972, world food production increased greatly. The Green Revolution extended scientific techniques to agriculture in the form of hybrid seed and poultry, chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and complex irrigation systems. Strains of corn, sorghum, soybeans, wheat, and rice were developed to flourish under particular climate and soil conditions. In the United States, corn production rose to 110 bus
A. pollution
B. population
C. food crisis
D. oil crisis
[填空题]Advances in medical technology have made it possible for people(live)______longer.

The traditional American family used to have a working father, a housewife -mother, and two or three children. But in the last twenty or thirty years, this picture has changed. Now we have many different kinds of families, many combinations of people living together besides this traditional one. For example, you have lots of what are called single-parent families, where you find children living with just one of their parents, usually after a divorce. And then there are plenty of married couples who for one reason or another don’ t have any kids, so it’s just the husband and wife. And sometimes adult children who have been living alone for years, in some cases they come back and live with their parents again. You can also find groups of older people sharing a house in order to save money. So these are examples of new types of families and having situations in this country.
Why has the traditional family changed so much Well, the reasons are both social and eco

[填空题]You should have made more improvements in your work if you had been more (confidence)______.
Advances in surveillance technology could seriously damage individual privacy unless drastic measures are taken to protect personal data, scientists have said. Richard Thomas, the Information Commissioner, gave warning last year that Britain was "sleepwalking" into a surveillance society. Yesterday the country’s leading engineers developed the theme, fleshing out a dystopian vision that not even George Orwell could have predicted.
They said that travel passes, supermarket loyalty cards and mobile phones could be used to track individuals’ every move. They also predicted that CCTV (close-circuit television) footage could become available for public consumption and that terrorists could hijack the biometric chips in passports and rig them up as a trigger for explosives.
The report by the Royal Academy of Engineering, Dilemmas of Privacy a
A. (A) Britain was not going to become a surveillance society
B. (B) Britain was fully aware of the possible future of a surveillance society
C. (C) Britain was fighting against the surveillance society
D. (D) Britain was not realizing the implication of the surveillance society
National Parks have more and more visitors each year. In the last ten years the number of campers using the camp sites has more than doubled. Camping as a family vacation has suddenly become extremely popular in America. It is a cheap way to travel; its simple pleasures are a pleasant change from hectic urban life; and it can be enjoyed by children of all ages.
In car trunks or in racks on top of cars, families load a tent, sleeping bags, inflatable mattresses, cooking pans and eating utensils, and an ice chest for storing food. When they arrive at a camping ground they find a cleared space in which to pitch their tent, a fireplace for cooking, and usually a picnic table and benches--water and firewood nearby. By evening they are settled under the stars, the campsite around them dotted with lights from cooking fires and lanterns hung from trees.
A. Vacations in America.
B. Big Cities in America.
C. American Family Life.
D. Camping as a Family Vacation.


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