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发布时间:2024-07-03 22:28:00


Through history there have been many great explorers. Have you, for example, heard of Mar co Polo, the famous Italian traveller He was one of the first Europeans to travel to China. He arrived in China in the late 13th century. About 200 years later Christopher Columbus sailed from Spain by ship. He was looking for a new way to reach India. However, as you probably know, he did not reach India. He landed in America. Five hundred years after Columbus, in the 1930s, a famous explorer named Richard Byrd was one of the first persons to fly over both the North and the South Poles.
Today we continue to explore this world, and are starting to explore other worlds, too. In the late 1950s and the 1960s Russian and American scientists sent many unmanned spacecrafts to the moon. These spacecrafts sent back valuable information about the moon. Then on July 16,1969, the first manned spaceship to the moon left earth. On that day Apollo 11 blasted off with three American astronauts on b

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Through history there have been many great explorers. Have you, for example, heard of Mar co Polo, the famous Italian traveller He was one of the first Europeans to travel to China. He arrived in China in the late 13th century. About 200 years later Christopher Columbus sailed from Spain by ship. He was looking for a new way to reach India. However, as you probably know, he did not reach India. He landed in America. Five hundred years after Columbus, in the 1930s, a famous explorer named Richard Byrd was one of the first persons to fly over both the North and the South Poles.
Today we continue to explore this world, and are starting to explore other worlds, too. In the late 1950s and the 1960s Russian and American scientists sent many unmanned spacecrafts to the moon. These spacecrafts sent back valuable information about the moon. Then on July 16,1969, the first manned spaceship to the moon left earth. On that day Apollo 11 blasted off with three American astronauts on b

[单项选择]There have been many great inventions that change the way we live. The first great ____29____ was one that is still very important today—the wheel. This made it easy for man ____30____ heavy things and to travel long distances. For hundreds of years after that, there were ____31____ inventions that had as much effect as the wheel. Then in the early 1800’s the world started to change ____32____ . There was little unknown land left in the world. People did not have to explore much any more. In the second half of the 19th century many great inventions were made. ____33____ them were the camera, the electric light and the radio. These have all become a big part of our life today. The first part of the 20th century saw more great inventions. The helicopter in 1909. Movies ____34____ sound in 1926. The computer in 1928. And jet planes in 1930. This was also a time when a new ____35____ was first made. Nylon came out in 1935. It changed the kind of clothes people wear. Of cou
A. scientist
B. artist
C. musician
D. invention
[多项选择]There have been many technological developments in the 20th. century, for example, computers and electric power. Choose either of the two, describe the changes it has brought about and discuss whether all the changes are positive.
You should write no less than 250 words. Write your article on ANSWER SHEET 2.
[单项选择]—During last decade, there have been many changes in family life.
—Are these changes ______
A. for the good or for the bad
B. for the worse or for the better
C. for worse or for better
D. for the worst or for the best


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