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发布时间:2023-12-07 07:05:02


The board of directors is at the top of some companies.

更多"The board of directors is at the to"的相关试题:

[简答题]board of directors
[填空题]A Memo to Some Marketing Directors
Re: New Ad Campaign
Development of our next magazine advertising campaign is underway, our new
advertising firm, Marshall and Dupree, has have prepared two contrasting
34. approaches for us to consider. We must ought choose between these two
35. concepts at this stage so that Marshall and Dupree can continue the
36. development of our choice. Development of two both approaches beyond this
37. stage is prohibitively expensive. Therefore, I am enclosing two sketches which
38. are intended to give you an my idea of what the final, photographed ads
39. would look like. As you will see from the first sketch, this ad reflects our
40. the traditional advertising approach of presenting our automobiles in an
41. attractive setting that would appeal to affluent customers. This particular
42. ad shows our spirit model and they associates it with an active, sporting couple.
43. To using a new
Mr. Metcalfe President
Ms. Bolton Dean of Business
Mr. Prout Dean of Humanities
Mr. Gerard Dean of Social Sciences
Mr. Kenneth Dean of Education
Mr. Asari, university’s Dean of Admissions, due to an international education fair.
Items covered:
1. The minutes of the April 30th meeting were read and accepted.
2. Computers in two labs need to be updated, Mr. Gerard suggested purchasing hard drives from a local computer repair business to save on funds. He will take care of ordering and arranging for delivery.
3. Ms. Kenneth drew up a new teacher’s assistant contract. The board agreed to the new version for all teachers’ assistants hired for the upcoming academic year.
NOTE: The new contract should reduce the number of complaints made by the assistants.
4. A change to the gymnasium and sports equipment must
A. Budget
B. Purchase of equipment
C. Facilities upgrading
D. Necessity to hire new staff
[填空题]The attitude of some top management used to be "The machine belongs to the company; the worker is made for the machine; or, the worker belongs to the company and exists to satisfy its needs. " Entertaining such a perspective today would border on lunacy (精神错乱), although managers can be found who act as though they still prescribe to it. The simple fact is that no employee works primarily to satisfy the needs of any organization. He labors first and foremost to meet his concern for the welfare of the firm. Additionally, the leader soon learns to accept his people as he finds them rather than as he would like them to be. Even if he is unhappy with their performance, he knows that the only possible starting point, for improvement, is where they are and as they are at a given time.
Five facts are at the heart of any mutual perception process. First, initial impressions tend to be lasting as well as erroneous, it is necessary not only that the manage leader perceive his people


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