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发布时间:2023-10-22 23:34:55

[填空题]Hugh Pendy:
We are facing a serious energy crisis. All known reserves of coal, oil and gas will be exhausted within ten years. It is urgent and imperative that we develop new sources of energy immediately. Nuclear power is the answer to our problems. If we don’t build nuclear power stations now, our civilization will collapse. The Government has decided to build a nuclear power station to solve the energy problem we are facing. I am for this wise decision.
Maureen Preston:
We can’t allow this power station to be built. It would cause terrible damage to the environment and all living creatures in the district would be in great danger. A small leak would cause a disaster. It’s our duty as responsible citizens to force the Government to abandon their unclear energy program. I used to believe nuclear power station were safe. But last month I read a newspaper report that there were at least five major leaks in the last two years in other stations. In each case

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[填空题]Hugh Pendy:
We are facing a serious energy crisis. All known reserves of coal, oil and gas will be exhausted within ten years. It is urgent and imperative that we develop new sources of energy immediately. Nuclear power is the answer to our problems. If we don’t build nuclear power stations now, our civilization will collapse. The Government has decided to build a nuclear power station to solve the energy problem we are facing. I am for this wise decision.
Maureen Preston:
We can’t allow this power station to be built. It would cause terrible damage to the environment and all living creatures in the district would be in great danger. A small leak would cause a disaster. It’s our duty as responsible citizens to force the Government to abandon their unclear energy program. I used to believe nuclear power station were safe. But last month I read a newspaper report that there were at least five major leaks in the last two years in other stations. In each case
[填空题] Peter White:
We’re facing a serious energy crisis. All known reserves of coal, oil and gas will be exhausted within ten years. It is imperative that we develop new sources of energy immediately. Nuclear power is the answer to our problems. If we don’t build nuclear power station now, our civilization will collapse.
Bob Robin:
We can’t allow this power station to be built. I’ll tell you why. It would cause terrible damage to the environment and all living creatures in the district would be in great danger. A small leak could cause a disaster. It is our duty as responsible citizens to force the government to abandon their nuclear energy program.
Mark Brewer:
This power station will be absolutely safe. They’ll be no danger of leakage because the reactor will be housed in a concrete box with wails six meters thick. Five independent alarm systems will monitor every square centimeter of the power station to prevent fire or sabotage.
[单项选择]{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}}
The energy crisis, which is being felt around the world, has dramatized how the careless use of the earth’s resources has brought the whole world to the brink of disaster. The overdevelopment of motor transport, with its increase of more cars, more highways, more pollution, more suburbs, more commuting, has contributed to the near-destruction of our cities, the breakup of the family, and the pollution not only of local air but also of the earth’s atmosphere. The disaster has arrived in the form of the energy crisis.
Our present situation is unlike war, revolution or depression. It is also unlike the great natural disasters of the past. Worldwide resources exploitation and energy use have brought us to a state where long-range planning is essential. What we need is not a continuation of our present serious state, which en
A. pollution of local air
B. the breakup of the family
C. pollution of the earth’s atmosphere
D. the excessive growth of motors
[简答题]A serious transportation crisis is facing developing countries in which rapidly growing cities are creating new transportation needs. Conversely, non-motorized form of transportation like bicycles and tricycles are seen images of backwardness. In some countries, governments are trying to sup press their use.
[简答题]We are in an energy crisis and we will have to do something quickly. The world’s energy resources are limited, and fuels are rapidly running out. Nobody knows exactly how much fuel is left, but experts say that there is only enough coal for 450 years, enough natural gas for 50 years and that oil might run out in 30 years. The tragedy is that fuels are too valuable to waste on the production of electricity. If we don’t start conserving these things now, it will be too late. And nuclear power is the only real alternative.
[单项选择]The energy problem is not merely a short-term crisis. Geologists 【1】 that 80 percent of all the oil 【2】 in the US will be used 【3】 before the year 2000. We might even come to the end of our coal reserves, abundant as they are, before another century is over. Americans have been 【4】 this situation suddenly. Many unprepared even to recognize 【5】 , and most of us are unprepared to meet it. We are unprepared 【6】 our habits and traditions, and our national life 【7】 based on a history of material abundance. With about 6 percent of the world’’s 【8】 ,we in the US 【9】 nearly 50 percent of the world’’s energy resources. Such resources within the us 【10】 are still ample by any standards except our own.
A. where
B. itself
C. it
D. there


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